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Etransformation in Governance: New Directions in Government and Politics
Etransformation in Governance: New Directions in Government and Politics

eTransformation in Governance: New Directions in Government and Politics is about transformation in government and governance due to the information society development. The book provides conceptual clarification of the e-transformation in governance, and presents empirical findings on the recent developments in Western countries. The...

Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices, Part 1 (ICND1): CCNA Exam 640-802 and ICND1 Exam 640-822 (2nd Edition)
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices, Part 1 (ICND1): CCNA Exam 640-802 and ICND1 Exam 640-822 (2nd Edition)
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices, Part 1 (ICND1), Second Edition, is a Cisco®-authorized, self-paced learning tool for CCENT™ and CCNA® foundation learning. This book provides you with the knowledge needed to configure Cisco switches and routers to operate in corporate internetworks. By reading this book, you will gain a...
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices, Part 2 (ICND2): (CCNA Exam 640-802 and ICND exam 640-816) (3rd Edition)
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices, Part 2 (ICND2): (CCNA Exam 640-802 and ICND exam 640-816) (3rd Edition)
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices, Part 2 (ICND2), is a Cisco®-authorized, self-paced learning tool for CCNA® foundation learning. This book provides you with the knowledge needed to install, operate, and troubleshoot a small to medium-size branch office enterprise network, including configuring several switches and routers,...
Security Monitoring with Cisco Security MARS (Networking Technology: Security)
Security Monitoring with Cisco Security MARS (Networking Technology: Security)
Learn the differences between various log aggregation and correlation systems
  • Examine regulatory and industry requirements
  • Evaluate various deployment scenarios
  • Properly size your deployment
  • Protect the Cisco Security MARS appliance from attack
  • Generate reports,...
Microsoft Office XP Inside Out
Microsoft Office XP Inside Out

This book is written for the power user, the software enthusiast, the consultant, the solutions developer, or the company guru—the one others come to for help. It's designed for the person who wants to learn the essentials quickly and then go on to more interesting topics—advanced timesaving techniques, bug workarounds,...

Instructional Design in the Real World: A View from the Trenches
Instructional Design in the Real World: A View from the Trenches

Over the past few years, traditional instructional design systems have been adapted and modernized to work within environments other than academia. The environments and systems that affect the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation processes have been expanded from just an educational environment to encompass corporations,...

The Courageous Follower: Standing Up to and for Our Leaders (2nd Edition)
The Courageous Follower: Standing Up to and for Our Leaders (2nd Edition)

This updated edition of a modern classic on followership provides the keys to creating an environment in which leaders are vigorously supported in pursuing the organization’s mission and courageously confronted when their actions threaten the organization’s well-being.

For every leader there are dozens of followers who work...

Moral Capitalism: Reconciling Private Interest with the Public Good
Moral Capitalism: Reconciling Private Interest with the Public Good

The world is drifting without a clear plan for its economic development, Communism is dead, but many see capitalism as amoral and too easily abused. In the wake of the debacles of Enron and other corporate scandals, continued jobless growth, and a languid economy, we need a roadmap to a better future. Written by Stephen Young, the global...

Discovering Real Business Requirements for Software Project Success (Computing Library)
Discovering Real Business Requirements for Software Project Success (Computing Library)
Text offers a methodology for discovering and testing the real business requirements that software products must meet in order to provide value. Presents more than 21 ways to test business requirements and evaluate substance and content. DLC: Computer software--Development.

While a
Programming Microsoft  Composite UI Application Block and Smart Client Software Factory (Pro-Best Practices)
Programming Microsoft Composite UI Application Block and Smart Client Software Factory (Pro-Best Practices)
The first release of the Composite UI Application Block took place in December of 2005, and the first release of the Smart Client Software Factory in July of 2006. This book might therefore seem to be appearing a bit late in the lifecycle of the software, at least compared to others that I've written. However, CAB and SCSF originally represented...
Microsoft Sql Server 7.0 Database Implementation Training Kit
Microsoft Sql Server 7.0 Database Implementation Training Kit
This training teaches IS professionals and SQL developers how to implement database solutions using the latest version of the Microsoft SQL Server relational database management system. Students will gain an understanding of the product's architecture and, through the accompanying labs, attain hands-on experience with the procedures to plan,...
IBM DB2 Data Archive Expert for Z/os: Put Your Data in Its Place (IBM Redbooks)
IBM DB2 Data Archive Expert for Z/os: Put Your Data in Its Place (IBM Redbooks)

Databases are growing tremendously. Because of legal requirements, or trend analysis, or need for historical data, terabytes of data are kept on-line causing performance and operational problems. Not all data is frequently accessed though, nor needs to be kept on fast media. Here archiving can help. Archiving is the process of moving selected...

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