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Mac OS X in a Nutshell
Mac OS X in a Nutshell
Mac OS X is a stunning technical achievement--a virtually crash-proof Unix core paired with the sleek Aqua interface, bringing style, usability, and stability to a new level. It has almost everything that Macintosh fans have been waiting for: protected memory, crash resistance, and the ability to run the 18,000 existing Mac programs and an...
DB2(R) Universal Database V8.1 Certification Exams 701 and 706 Study Guide
DB2(R) Universal Database V8.1 Certification Exams 701 and 706 Study Guide
The official in-depth guide to passing IBM's DB2 Universal Database Version 8.1 Certification Exams 701 and 706

Over 20,000 people test to become IBM Certified Database Administrators every year. Some will pass, many will not. This book is IBM's official companion to mastering the skills that you need to ensure that you pass Certification...

COBOL Programmers Swing with Java
COBOL Programmers Swing with Java
"This book will get maximum leverage out of any reader's COBOL background. I would recommend it as a starting point for a COBOL programmer who is planning to learn Java." Computing Reviews

Featuring the development of graphical user interfaces (GUI's) using the latest in Java swing components, this new edition of
Value-Added Services for Next Generation Networks (Informa Telecoms & Media)
Value-Added Services for Next Generation Networks (Informa Telecoms & Media)
In the NGN world, no truer words are spoken than "the future is now." And the competition in the information networking arena will only intensify in the next 5-10 years. Choosing the correct NGN-VAS strategy now will set your company apart. Value Added Services for Next Generation Networks examines the quest for the real added value in...
Cognition and Multi-Agent Interaction: From Cognitive Modeling to Social Simulation
Cognition and Multi-Agent Interaction: From Cognitive Modeling to Social Simulation
This book explores the intersection between cognitive sciences and social sciences. In particular, it explores the intersection between individual cognitive modeling and modeling of multi-agent interaction (social stimulation). The two contributing fields--individual cognitive modeling (especially cognitive architectures) and modeling of...
Webbots, Spiders, and Screen Scrapers: A Guide to Developing Internet Agents with PHP/CURL
Webbots, Spiders, and Screen Scrapers: A Guide to Developing Internet Agents with PHP/CURL

The Internet is bigger and better than what a mere browser allows. Webbots, Spiders, and Screen Scrapers is for programmers and businesspeople who want to take full advantage of the vast resources available on the Web. There's no reason to let browsers limit your online...

Mac OS X: The Missing Manual, Second Edition
Mac OS X: The Missing Manual, Second Edition
New York Times computer columnist David Pogue has just updated his bestselling Mac OS X:The Missing Manual! And once again, he applies his scrupulous objectivity to this exciting new operating system, revealing which new features work well and which do not. With new material on almost every page, this second edition offers a wealth of...
Faster Smarter Network+ Certification
Faster Smarter Network+ Certification

Take the next step in your career by earning your CompTIA Network+ certification the faster, smarter way. This innovative, high-energy guide makes the most of your study time by teaching exactly what you need for the Network+ exam. You get focused, no-fluff coverage of exam objectives—plus Test Smart tips, a rigorous cram-and-review...

C# 3.0 in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference
C# 3.0 in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference
This is a concise yet thorough reference to C# 3.0 programming as implemented in Microsoft's Visual Studio 2008. C# 3.0 in a Nutshell gets right to the point, covering the essentials of language syntax and usage as well as the parts of the .NET base class libraries you need to build working applications. But unlike earlier editions, this book is...
DB2 for Solaris: The Official Guide (IBM Press Series--Information Management)
DB2 for Solaris: The Official Guide (IBM Press Series--Information Management)
IBM's DB2 Universal Database Version 8 for Solaris has been carefully engineered to deliver all of the immense power, flexibility, and scalability of DB2, while taking full advantage of the capabilities of Sun's Solaris operating system. Now, direct from IBM", there's a definitive guide to installing, running, and optimizing the latest...
XML Web Services in the Organization
XML Web Services in the Organization

Discover how you can use XML-based Web services to dramatically improve the data sharing and communication capabilities in your organization. This pragmatic guide teaches you how to exploit the interoperability features of the Microsoft .NET Framework to build highly available, platform-independent Web services. Easy-to-follow sample...

DB2(R) Universal Database V8 Handbook for Windows, UNIX, and Linux
DB2(R) Universal Database V8 Handbook for Windows, UNIX, and Linux
IBM DB2 Universal Database V8 offers breakthrough availability, manageability, performance, and scalability. Now, straight from IBM, there's a start-to-finish guide to DB2 Universal Database V8 administration and development for UNIX, Linux, and Windows.

This definitive reference covers every aspect of deploying and managing DB2 Universal...

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