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Customer Management Excellence
Customer Management Excellence
CRM today is much like BPR in the 1990s. It is the strategy of the 21st century. Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon, but few are doing it in a way that will reap long-term benefits. And while billions are being spent worldwide, as yet there is not one case study of a true CRM focused company that is achieving major business success. Why?
CISSP: Certified Information Systems Security Professional Study Guide
CISSP: Certified Information Systems Security Professional Study Guide

CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional Study Guide Here's the book you need to prepare for the challenging CISSP exam from (ISC This third edition was developed to meet the exacting requirements of today's security certification candidates, and has been thoroughly updated to cover recent technological advances in...

Self-Similar Network Traffic and Performance Evaluation
Self-Similar Network Traffic and Performance Evaluation
"The primary objective of the book is to present a comprehensive yet cohesive account of some of the principal developments..." (IEE Signal Processing, Vol. 18, No. 1, January 2001)

A collection of work from top researchers in the field, this book covers all aspects of self-similar network traffic. Readers will gain
Microsoft Expression Blend Bible
Microsoft Expression Blend Bible
Create amazing interfaces that encourage visitors

The impact of an aesthetically pleasing user interface is remarkable. Web site visitors respond eagerly to attractive, easy-to-use designs, and Blend allows you to create these with much less effort. This A-to-Z guide shows you how to design a new generation of applications...

Server+ Study Guide
Server+ Study Guide
Here’s the book you need to prepare for CompTIA’s Server+ Exam. This Sybex Study Guide provides:
  • Full coverage of every exam objective
  • Practical information on network hardware
  • Hundreds of challenging review questions, in the book and on the...
Introducing Maya 2008
Introducing Maya 2008
Enter A New Dimension With Maya 2008

The Academy Award–winning Maya 3D animation and effects software is the top choice for film and video artists, game developers, and 3D design professionals. Learn to build, render, and animate your own digital models and scenes, and begin to develop professional-level Maya skills...

Forbes To The Limits: Pushing Yourself to the Edge In Adventure and in Business
Forbes To The Limits: Pushing Yourself to the Edge In Adventure and in Business

Praise for TO THE LIMITS

"Jim Clash not only has the guts to drive an Indy race car at 200 m.p.h., but the skills as a writer to let us know what it feels like."
–Mario Andretti, Indy 500 winner and Formula One World Driving Champion

"If Jim Clash wrote fiction, he would be the modern-day...

Image Processing with LabVIEW and IMAQ Vision (National Instruments Virtual Instrumentation Series)
Image Processing with LabVIEW and IMAQ Vision (National Instruments Virtual Instrumentation Series)
The definitive tutorial on desktop image processing with NI's IMAQ Vision

This book brings together everything you need to achieve superior results with PC-based image processing and analysis. Expert Thomas Klinger combines a highly accessible overview of the field's key concepts, tools, and techniques; the first expert introduction to NI's...

DB2(R) Universal Database V8 Application Development Certification Guide (2nd Edition)
DB2(R) Universal Database V8 Application Development Certification Guide (2nd Edition)

You will find every skill and technique you need to build enterprise, Web, and eBusiness applications with DB2 UDB v8. This book is IBM's official guide to becoming an IBM Certified Application Developer for the DB2 Universal Database v8 Family.

New to the second edition is the inclusion of the information...

Cocoa Programming
Cocoa Programming
The most comprehensive programming book on Mac OS X. * Write Mac OS X applications in Cocoa in Objective-C using object-oriented techniques. * Includes tips and tricks that boost programmer productivity, * Written by four leaders in the Mac OS X programming community.

Cocoa Programming is a comprehensive work that...

Software Architect Bootcamp (2nd Edition)
Software Architect Bootcamp (2nd Edition)
The completely updated "field manual" for becoming a better software architect!

The crucial skills you need to survive and thrive as an enterprise software architect! Fully updated for the latest techniques-from lightweight methods and architectural layers to Model-Driven Architecture and UML 2.0!

In this book, Raphael Malveau...

IBM(R) WebSphere(R): Deployment and Advanced Configuration (Information Management)
IBM(R) WebSphere(R): Deployment and Advanced Configuration (Information Management)
The expert guide to deploying and managing any WebSphere Application Server V5.x application and environment

If you’re a WebSphere Application Server administrator or developer, this is your ...

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