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How To Do Everything with Contribute
How To Do Everything with Contribute
Update Web site content without knowing anything about HTML or Web page design! How to Do Everything with Macromedia Contribute will show you, step-by-step, how to edit text online, swap pictures and graphics, add links, and make all kinds of changes to Web pages without the time or expense of consulting a Web designer. Plus--work with...
Microsoft Office Access 2003 Professional Results
Microsoft Office Access 2003 Professional Results
Become more productive right away using the hands-on directions and targeted information in this innovative how-to reference. Loaded with to-the-point techniques, this complete resource provides insightful answers to common questions as quickly as you can turn its pages. Use Access as a key data management tool. Design databases and program...
The New Workplace: A Guide to the Human Impact of Modern Working Practices
The New Workplace: A Guide to the Human Impact of Modern Working Practices

We are all increasingly familiar with modern business terms such as total quality management, just-in-time production, e-business, lean manufacturing and teleworking. But what really lies behind these terms and what effect do these and other new practices have on productivity and performance and, crucially, what is their social and psychological...

McGraw-Hill's GMAT, 2008 Edition
McGraw-Hill's GMAT, 2008 Edition
Welcome to the GMAT. Were we saying this to you in person, we might duck after speaking those words. For many people, there’s nothing remotely welcoming about the GMAT. To many business school applicants, the test appears to be the most painful hurdle they must clear in their admissions process, and the one for which their work experience has...
Radio Signal Finding (Tab Electronics)
Radio Signal Finding (Tab Electronics)
This is a book about receiving radio signals; specifically, how to set up receiving systems that work as well as possible under difficult conditions. I assume you are someone whose task is to install or operate a receiver and aerial system so as to obtain maximum performance in a fringe area. To make best use of this manual you will need to have...
Device Modeling for Analog and RF CMOS Circuit Design
Device Modeling for Analog and RF CMOS Circuit Design
In order to keep up with global demand, microelectronics engineers are continually challenged to produce increasingly complex, high performance integrated circuits. The steady downscaling of MOSFET/CMOS technology has highlighted the need for a thorough understanding of the properties, potentials and limitations of the latest device models and...
Linux Thin Client Networks Design and Deployment
Linux Thin Client Networks Design and Deployment
Written by an experienced Linux thin client network designer and implementer, this book for System Administrators covers the concepts of thin client networks and design issues for implementations of various sizes, followed by step-by-step HOW-TOs for all elements of implementing a thin client network based on open-source software. A thin, or lean...
Flash ActionScript for Designers with CDROM
Flash ActionScript for Designers with CDROM
From user interactivity and eye candy effects to automated content management, ActionScript gives you the power to take your Flash movies to the next level. But what if you're not comfortable with objects, variables, and all that other programming stuff? Relax! Using plenty of easy-to-understand tutorials and an absolute minimum of geek-speak, Doug...
Microsoft AJAX Library Essentials: Client-side ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 Explained
Microsoft AJAX Library Essentials: Client-side ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 Explained
AJAX is a complex phenomenon that means different things to different people. Computer users appreciate that their favorite websites are now friendlier and feel more responsive. Web developers learn new skills that empower them to create sleek web applications with little effort. Indeed, everything sounds good about AJAX! At its roots, AJAX is a...
Object-Oriented Construction Handbook
Object-Oriented Construction Handbook
Successful businesses and organizations are continually looking for ways to improve service and customer satisfaction in order to achieve long-term customer loyalty. In light of these goals, software developers must ask the question: how does customer orientation influence traditional approaches, methods, and principles of software development? In...
The Suicide and Homicide Risk Assessment & Prevention Treatment Planner
The Suicide and Homicide Risk Assessment & Prevention Treatment Planner
The Suicide and Homicide Risk Assesment & Prevention Treatment Planner provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal review agencies.
  • A critical tool for assessing suicidal and homicidal...
Developing Future Interactive Systems
Developing Future Interactive Systems
Interactive systems are growing in the last decade because of the amount of fields in which this kind of application can be used as a test bed to experiment in medicine, training, education, and so on. Developing Future Interactive Systems is a complilation of knowledge collected from several researchers in the field of interactive systems,...
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