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Usability Evaluation of Online Learning Programs
Usability Evaluation of Online Learning Programs
Successful use of information and communication technologies depends on usable designs that do not require expensive training, accommodate the needs of diverse users and are low cost. There is a growing demand and increasing pressure for adopting innovative approaches to the design and delivery of education, hence, the use of online learning (also...
Issues in Multi-Agent Systems: The AgentCities.ES Experience (Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies and Autonomic Computing)
Issues in Multi-Agent Systems: The AgentCities.ES Experience (Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies and Autonomic Computing)
The agent paradigm has been a subject of research for the last years, and the purpose of this book is to present current status of this technology by looking at its application in different domains, such as electronic markets, e-tourism, ambience intelligence, and complex system analysis.

It starts by discussing software engineering
Towards the Semantic Web: Ontology-Driven Knowledge Management
Towards the Semantic Web: Ontology-Driven Knowledge Management
Generating huge interest and backed by the global WorldWideWeb consortium the semantic web is the key initiative driving the future of the World Wide Web. Towards the Semantic Web focuses on the application of Semantic Web technology and ontologies in particular to electronically available information to improve the quality of knowledge management...
Security+ Study Guide and DVD Training System
Security+ Study Guide and DVD Training System
Why has CompTIA (the high-profile Computer Technology Industry Association behind the wildly popular A+ and Network+ certifications) targeted security for its latest credential?

Thanks to soaring e-business initiatives and worldwide Internet connectivity, recent survey stats from the Computer Security Institute (CSI) show we need more
Spaces, Spatiality and Technology (Computer Supported Cooperative Work)
Spaces, Spatiality and Technology (Computer Supported Cooperative Work)
What are the concerns of those who investigate spatiality across domains and across media? What is significant in these concerns - particularly for the design and evaluation of technology? How are these concerns represented? Can discourse from one domain inform work in another?

These are some of the questions addressed in this volume. It is...

Depressive Rumination: Nature, Theory and Treatment
Depressive Rumination: Nature, Theory and Treatment
Depressive rumination leads to a multitude of negative consequences such as the maintenance and exacerbation of negative mood and future episodes of depression.

In the first volume to provide a comprehensive and authoritative empirical and clinical coverage of the process of rumination in depression, Costas Papageorgiou and Adrian Wells have...

Do It Yourself Advertising and Promotion: How to Produce Great Ads, Brochures, Catalogs, Direct Mail, Web Sites, and More , 3rd Edition
Do It Yourself Advertising and Promotion: How to Produce Great Ads, Brochures, Catalogs, Direct Mail, Web Sites, and More , 3rd Edition

This new edition features four new chapters coverings topics such as how to select print media for your ads, how to create ads in the comfort of your own home, and how to advertise via the broadcast Fax and the internet. The book offers practical, field-tested techniques and insights into every major form of advertising such as newspaper ads,...

FileMaker Pro 6 for the Mac Fast & Easy
FileMaker Pro 6 for the Mac Fast & Easy
FileMaker Pro 6 for the Mac Fast & Easy presents the essential skills that beginning and intermediate users need to know to use the FileMaker Pro 6.0 database application effectively. It covers basic database skills, such as planning, defining fields, and creating forms and explores new features, such as using a contextual menu to sort data...
Microsoft Access VBA Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Second Edition
Microsoft Access VBA Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Second Edition
If you are new to programming with Microsoft Access VBA and are looking for a solid introduction, this is the book for you. Developed by computer science professors, books in the for the absolute beginner series teach the principles of programming through simple game creation. Covering Access 2003, "Microsoft Access VBA Programming for the...
Microsoft  Windows Server(TM) 2003 PKI and Certificate Security
Microsoft Windows Server(TM) 2003 PKI and Certificate Security
No need to buy or outsource costly PKI services when you can use the robust PKI and certificate-based security services already built into Microsoft Windows Server 2003! This in-depth reference teaches you how to design and implement even the most demanding certificate-based security solutions for wireless networking, smart card authentication,...
System-on-Chip Test Architectures (Systems on Silicon)
System-on-Chip Test Architectures (Systems on Silicon)
Modern electronics testing has a legacy of more than 40 years. The introduction of new technologies, especially nanometer technologies with 90nm or smaller geometry, has allowed the semiconductor industry to keep pace with the increased performance-capacity demands from consumers. As a result, semiconductor test costs have been growing steadily...
VHDL 2008: Just the New Stuff (Systems on Silicon)
VHDL 2008: Just the New Stuff (Systems on Silicon)
VHDL is defined by IEEE Standard 1076, IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual (the VHDL LRM). The original standard was approved in 1987. IEEE procedures require that standards be periodically reviewed and either reaffirmed or revised. The VHDL standard was revised in 1993, 2000, and 2002. In each revision, new language features were added...
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