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Electronic Collaboration in the Humanities: Issues and Options
Electronic Collaboration in the Humanities: Issues and Options
This volume provides an informed view of how information technology is shaping the contemporary humanities. It specifically reflects five ideals:

*humanities scholars with all levels of access are doing important work with technology;
*humanities scholars' projects with technology reflect significant diversity, both across and
Dynamic and Robust Streaming in and between Connected Consumer-Electronic Devices (Philips Research Book Series)
Dynamic and Robust Streaming in and between Connected Consumer-Electronic Devices (Philips Research Book Series)
Dynamic and Robust Streaming in and between Connected Consumer-Electronic Devices addresses a subject that is becoming more important over the years. On the one hand the arrival of home networks is imminent, and on the other hand we notice that chips integrate more and more functionality. The home network interconnects the Consumer...
Effective Databases for Text & Document Management
Effective Databases for Text & Document Management
The focus of this book is effective databases for text and document management inclusive of new and enhanced techniques, methods, theories and practices. The research contained in these chapters is of particular significance to researchers and practitioners alike because of the rapid pace at which the Internet and related technologies are changing...
Mac OS X Panther Timesaving Techniques for Dummies
Mac OS X Panther Timesaving Techniques for Dummies

Optimize your Dock, improve application performance, and maximize multimedia

Over 60 techniques that help you save time by...

  • Customizing your Mac for the way you work
  • Organizing your digital pictures with iPhoto™
  • Backing up files with rsync and .mac
  • Searching the...
Microsoft Office 2003 in 10 Simple Steps or Less
Microsoft Office 2003 in 10 Simple Steps or Less
If you are looking to perform specific activities in Microsoft Office 2003 fast, then this book is for you–whether you’re new to Microsoft Office or you’re just upgrading to the 2003 version. This comprehensive guide delivers the answers you need with clear, easy-to-follow instructions for more than 250 key Microsoft Office 2003...
Accounting Best Practices (Wiley Best Practices)
Accounting Best Practices (Wiley Best Practices)

A revised and updated Second Edition of the guide that lets you turn your adequate practices into Best Practices

Accounting Best Practices provides you with the most advanced techniques and strategies available today to help your business cut costs and improve accounting operations–regardless of your company’s size or...

Server+ Study Guide
Server+ Study Guide
-If you have your A+, you're ready for the Server+ Study Guide, the newest book for the newest CompTIA certification. --Completely covers all Server+ exam objectives. Includes a practice exam, to test your knowledge. --CD contains the practice exam, electronic flashcards for your PC and Palm devices, the book in PDF, and a bonus exam appearing...
ASP.NET 3.5 Unleashed
ASP.NET 3.5 Unleashed
ASP.NET 3.5 Unleashed is the most comprehensive book available on the Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5 Framework, covering all aspects of the ASP.NET 3.5 Framework--no matter how advanced.


This edition covers all the new features of ASP.NET 3.5. It explains Microsoft LINQ...

Microsoft ISA Server 2006 Unleashed
Microsoft ISA Server 2006 Unleashed
It is rare to run into that one product that impresses technical audiences in the way that ISA Server has managed to. As I prepared to write this book, what surprised me was not ISA’s ability to wow and charm Microsoft-centric environments, but its ability to impress the Microsoft-skeptic crowds as well. These are the ones who have been...
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (2nd Edition)
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (2nd Edition)
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, Second Edition is designed to be easy to read and understand although the topic itself is complicated. Algorithms are the procedures that software programs use to manipulate data structures. Besides clear and simple example programs, the author includes a workshop as a small demonstration program executable...
How to Cheat at Administering Office Communications Server 2007
How to Cheat at Administering Office Communications Server 2007
Microsoft Office Communications Server (OCS) 2007 is Microsofts latest version of Live Communications Server 2005. The product provides management for all synchronous communications that takes place in real time. This includes instant messaging (IM), Voice over IP (VoIP), and audio conferencing and videoconferencing. It will work with your companys...
Electronic Structure and Magneto-Optical Properties of Solids
Electronic Structure and Magneto-Optical Properties of Solids
The aim of this book is to review recent achievements in the theoretical investigations of the electronic structure, optical, magneto-optical (MO), and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) properties of compounds and Multilayered structures.

Chapter 1 of this book is of an introductory character and presents the theoretical
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