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How to Be Happy at Work: A Practical Guide to Career Satisfaction
How to Be Happy at Work: A Practical Guide to Career Satisfaction
It’s not easy to tell others how to be happy at work, especially people who feel as if they’re living in a career combat zone. I know the battleground well. For the past 20 years, I’ve been a career counselor, psychotherapist, and corporate outplacement consultant. In that time, I’ve seen more casualties of the career wars...
Inside Secrets of Finding a Teaching Job: The Most Effective Search Methods for Both New and Experienced Educators
Inside Secrets of Finding a Teaching Job: The Most Effective Search Methods for Both New and Experienced Educators
Since we wrote the first edition of this book, a crisis has developed in the world of teaching: There is a dire shortage of teacher candidates in our country. In fact, the United States will need more than 2 million new teachers in the coming decade, and there aren’t that many new teachers graduating from teacher colleges. The teacher...
Quick Guide to Career Training in Two Years or Less
Quick Guide to Career Training in Two Years or Less
Readers will quickly find details on 104 training and education programs that can be completed in two years or less. Descriptions also include information on related jobs, earnings, typical courses, essential skills and knowledge needed, and recommended high school and postsecondary courses. Plus, there are direct cross-references to other career...
The Active Manager's Tool Kit : 45 Reproducible Tools for Leading and Improving Your Employee's Performance
The Active Manager's Tool Kit : 45 Reproducible Tools for Leading and Improving Your Employee's Performance
Do active managers outperform traditional managers? You bet they do. Let me tell you why.

Traditional managers are reactive. They wait for problems to occur and then try to put out the fires. In the meantime, they take care of “business as usual”—scheduling, assigning tasks, checking on employee activity, and writing
The Executive Job Search: A Comprehensive Handbook for Seasoned Professionals
The Executive Job Search: A Comprehensive Handbook for Seasoned Professionals
Don't sell yourself short--get the job that suits your goals

If you're a seasoned executive who's been hit hard by the recent wave of downsizing, you need to prepare yourself effectively for the rigors of the job market. The Executive Job Search is an indispensable guide to taking charge of your job search in today's...

MCSE Planning a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure Study Guide (Exam 70-293)
MCSE Planning a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure Study Guide (Exam 70-293)
Get the book that shows you not only what--but how--to study
  • 100% complete coverage of all official objectives for exam 70-293
  • Exam Readiness checklist at the front of the book--you're ready for the exam when all objectives on the list are checked off
  • Step-by-step exercises are linked to...
Handbook of Psychology, Volume 1
Handbook of Psychology, Volume 1
Psychology at the beginning of the twenty-first century has become a highly diverse field of scientific study and applied technology. Psychologists commonly regard their discipline as the science of behavior, and the American Psychological Association has formally designated 2000 to 2010 as the “Decade of Behavior.” The pursuits of...
J.K. Lasser's Homeowner's Tax Breaks: Your Complete Guide to Finding Hidden Gold in Your Home
J.K. Lasser's Homeowner's Tax Breaks: Your Complete Guide to Finding Hidden Gold in Your Home

Shows how to take advantage of the many tax breaks available to homeowners

There are 65 million homeowners in the U.S. and there are almost as many tax savings opportunities offered to them. Unfortunately, beyond the most common tax breaks, homeowners are typically in the dark. Worse, some may know about a particular tax break, but not...

Bioinformatics for Geneticists (Hierarchical Exotoxicology Mini Series)
Bioinformatics for Geneticists (Hierarchical Exotoxicology Mini Series)

Bioinformatics for Geneticists describes a step by step approach to key bioinformatics and genetic analysis procedures, based upon practical experience gained after many years of direct bioinformatics support for laboratory geneticists. It features detailed case studies of problems and analytical approaches that are specific to the...

Budgeting for Managers
Budgeting for Managers
Iremember the first time I made a budget. I had just started a new job, my first time as a manager. My boss, the dean of the school, said, “Sid, we have $50,000 to spend on computer systems this year. Please prepare a budget.”

Wow! All the exercises in school, all my thinking as I started the job and wrote out a plan for my
Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices
Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices
In this compact book, Steven Feuerstein, widely recognized as one of the world's leading experts on the Oracle PL/SQL language, distills his many years of programming, teaching, and writing about PL/SQL into a set of best practices-recommendations for developing successful applications. Covering the latest Oracle release, Oracle Database 11g,...
MCITP Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-441): Designing Database Solutions by Using Microsoft  SQL Server(TM) 2005
MCITP Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-441): Designing Database Solutions by Using Microsoft SQL Server(TM) 2005
This 2-in-1 training kit delivers in-depth preparation plus practice for 70-441, an exam for the MCITP: Database Developer certification. Ace your exam prepand build real-world job skillswith lessons, case scenarios, practice tests, and more.

Key Book Benefits:

In-depth coverage of exam objectives and...

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