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Professional iPhone and iPod touch Programming: Building Applications for Mobile Safari
Professional iPhone and iPod touch Programming: Building Applications for Mobile Safari
This hands-on, in-depth book introduces developers to the initial release of the iPhone application platform and assists them in creating Web 2.0 applications that operate on the iPhone and integrate with its services. Author Richard Wagner shares his experience as he guides readers through the process of building new applications from scratch and...
Professional haXe and Neko
Professional haXe and Neko
Professional haXe and Neko

haXe is an exciting new programming language, as well as a compiler and a framework, that can be used to build web applications and write code aimed at multiple platforms on an array of operating systems. Neko is a fast, flexible, and reliable cross-platform virtual machine that allows for the...

CNET Do-It-Yourself Home Networking Projects
CNET Do-It-Yourself Home Networking Projects
You may be thinking that home networking is so ubiquitous there could not possibly be anything new or different to do with this interconnected marvel of now everyday technology. You can surf the Web on any of two to three PCs, upload and download photos, fill an MP3 player to the brim, and chat with your friends and family via IM—what more...
Ontologies-Based Business Integration
Ontologies-Based Business Integration
The globalization of everyday business and increasing international trade lead to a growing need to improve national and international business collaborations and transactions. Upcoming new technologies for e-business transactions allow for new ways of process, information and application integration. But business partners almost always have...
Handbook of Couples Therapy
Handbook of Couples Therapy
The essential guide to successful couples therapy at every stage of the lifecycle

A variety of therapeutic interventions can help couples develop the tools for a successful relationship. Yet many practitioners begin seeing couples without extensive training in couples work. To fill this gap in their therapeutic repertoires, noted couples...

Service-Oriented Modeling (SOA): Service Analysis, Design, and Architecture
Service-Oriented Modeling (SOA): Service Analysis, Design, and Architecture
Answers to your most pressing SOA development questions

How do we start with service modeling? How do we analyze services for better reusability? Who should be involved? How do we create the best architecture model for our organization? This must-read for all enterprise leaders gives you all the answers and tools needed to develop a sound...

ASP.NET in 60 Minutes a Day
ASP.NET in 60 Minutes a Day
Get up and running with ASP.NET using this innovative virtual classroom approach!

Are you ready to learn how to write clean, reusable, scalable code for Web pages using ASP.NET? Experienced trainer Glenn Johnson takes you inside his virtual classroom to provide you with seventeen one-hour lessons that recreate a typical introductory seminar on...

How to Do Everything with PowerPoint(R)
How to Do Everything with PowerPoint(R)
Follow real-world examples in this get-you-going guide and create your own PowerPoint presentations--from simple to dazzlingly sophisticated. Prepare slide shows--which you can show on a projection screen or computer monitor--featuring animation, sound, graphics, and even video clips. Edit and format text, add graphs and diagrams, include...
A+ Certification Study Guide, Fifth Edition (Certification Press)
A+ Certification Study Guide, Fifth Edition (Certification Press)
Get the book that shows you not only what--but how--to study
  • 100% complete coverage of all official objectives for the A+ Core Hardware and Operating System Technologies exams
  • Exam Readiness checklist at the front of the book--you're ready for the exam when...
Advanced Rails
Advanced Rails
Ready to go to the next level with Rails? From examining the parts of Ruby that make this framework possible to deploying large Rails applications, Advanced Rails offers you an in-depth look at techniques for dealing with databases, security, performance, web services and much more. Chapters in this book help you understand not only the tricks and...
Professional Xen Virtualization
Professional Xen Virtualization
Xen is an open source virtualization technology that allows multiple operating systems to run on a single physical computer system, providing cost savings and increased efficiency. This book presents you with a complete foundation on this exciting technology and shows you how Xen virtualization offers faster response times for new server and...
X Power Tools
X Power Tools
This book puts you in charge of the most flexible and adaptable graphical interface in the computer industry. The X Window System underlies graphical desktops on Linux and Unix systems, and supports advanced features of modern graphics cards. More people use the X Window System than ever before, but there are few books about X in print. X Power...
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