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Oracle Database 11g: New Features for DBAs and Developers (Expert's Voice in Oracle)
Oracle Database 11g: New Features for DBAs and Developers (Expert's Voice in Oracle)
Oracle Database 11g: New Features for DBAs and Developers is a comprehensive, example–laden review of the most significant new features and improvements offered by the latest release of Oracle Corporation’s flagship database product.
  • Learn what’s new in Oracle that really counts.
  • See actual...
Evolutionary Computation in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Evolutionary Computation in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
This book provides a compilation on the state-of-the-art and recent advances of evolutionary algorithms in dynamic and uncertain environments within a unified framework. The motivation for this book arises from the fact that some degree of uncertainty in characterizing any realistic engineering systems is inevitable. Representative methods for...
Network Security Assessment: Know Your Network
Network Security Assessment: Know Your Network
How secure is your network? The best way to find out is to attack it. Network Security Assessment provides you with the tricks and tools professional security consultants use to identify and assess risks in Internet-based networks-the same penetration testing model they use to secure government, military, and commercial networks. With this...
Oracle Essentials: Oracle Database 11g
Oracle Essentials: Oracle Database 11g
Oracle is an enormous system, with myriad technologies, options, and releases. Most users-even experienced developers and database administrators-find it difficult to get a handle on the full scope of the Oracle database. And, as each new Oracle version is released, users find themselves under increasing pressure to learn about a whole range of new...
Windows Vista Annoyances: Tips, Secrets, and Hacks
Windows Vista Annoyances: Tips, Secrets, and Hacks
Windows Vista may be the next big thing, but it still contains enough quirks and unaccountable behaviors to vex anyone. This unique guide not only discusses the most irritating features of the latest Microsoft operating system and how to get around them, but also explains how to improve Windows and do more with the software than Microsoft intended....
The Art of Agile Development
The Art of Agile Development

The Art of Agile Development contains practical guidance for anyone considering or applying agile development for building valuable software. Plenty of books describe what agile development is or why it helps software projects succeed, but very few combine information for developers, managers, testers, and customers into a single...

Learning ActionScript 3.0: A Beginner's Guide
Learning ActionScript 3.0: A Beginner's Guide
In this book, authors Rich Shupe and Zevan Rosser share the knowledge they've gained from their years as multimedia developers/designers and teachers. Learning ActionScript 3.0 gives you a solid foundation in the language of Flash and demonstrates how you can use it for practical, everyday projects. The authors do more than just give you a...
Linux Networking Cookbook
Linux Networking Cookbook
This soup-to-nuts collection of recipes covers everything you need to know to perform your job as a Linux network administrator, whether you're new to the job or have years of experience. With Linux Networking Cookbook, you'll dive straight into the gnarly hands-on work of building and maintaining a computer network. Running a network doesn't mean...
Mac OS X for Unix Geeks
Mac OS X for Unix Geeks
If you're one of the many Unix developers drawn to Mac OS X for its BSD core, you'll find yourself in surprisingly unfamiliar territory. Even if you're an experienced Mac user, Mac OS X is unlike earlier Macs, and it's radically different from the Unix you've used before, too.

Enter "Mac OS X for Unix Geeks" by Brian Jepson and...

Windows Vista®: Home Networking (Epg - Other)
Windows Vista®: Home Networking (Epg - Other)
With more than one Windows Vistabased PC in your home, and all of your digital memories, music and media, and other data stored on one computer, you know that its time to connect your home with a simple home network. Youll get the straightforward, approachable information you need (without the jargon!) to find what kind of network is right for you...
Drawing Graphs: Methods and Models (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Drawing Graphs: Methods and Models (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Graph drawing comprises all aspects of visualizing structural relations between objects. The range of topics dealt with extends from graph theory, graph algorithms, geometry, and topology to visual languages, visual perception, and information visualization, and to computer-human interaction and graphics design. This monograph gives a systematic...
Blind Image Deconvolution: Theory and Applications
Blind Image Deconvolution: Theory and Applications
Blind image deconvolution is constantly receiving increasing attention from the academic as well the industrial world due to both its theoretical and practical implications. The field of blind image deconvolution has several applications in different areas such as image restoration, microscopy, medical imaging, biological imaging, remote sensing,...
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