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Electronic Enterprise: Strategy and Architecture
Electronic Enterprise: Strategy and Architecture
The evolution from network-centric commerce (EDI) to e-commerce and e-business up to e-enterprise and virtual enterprise is traced and explained in this discussion of the transformation of a business enterprise from an industrial into an information model. Addressed are the strategy and architecture of an e-enterprise, emphasizing the integration...
Information Security and Ethics: Social and Organizational Issues
Information Security and Ethics: Social and Organizational Issues
Information Security and Ethics: Social and Organizational Issues brings together examples of the latest research from a number of international scholars addressing a wide range of issues significant to this important and growing field of study. These issues are relevant to the wider society, as well as to the individual, citizen, educator, student...
Professional LINQ (Programmer to Programmer)
Professional LINQ (Programmer to Programmer)
Professional LINQ

Are you ready to revolutionize the way you can work with data? This book shows you how to effectively utilize LINQ so that you can query XML, SQLdatabases, ADO.NET DataSets, and other data sources, and it also delvesdeeper into the technology to demonstrate how LINQ can dramatically improve your...

Domain-Specific Modeling: Enabling Full Code Generation
Domain-Specific Modeling: Enabling Full Code Generation
Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM) is the latest approach to software development, promising to greatly increase the speed and ease of software creation. Early adopters of DSM have been enjoying productivity increases of 500–1000% in production for over a decade. This book introduces DSM and offers examples from various fields to illustrate to...
A Pattern Approach to Interaction Design
A Pattern Approach to Interaction Design
Textbook summarizing the state of pattern languages in human-computer interaction (HCI), proposing a new pattern-based framework for interactive systems design, drawn from the authors experience from a number of interactive exhibits and public 'kiosk' systems. DLC: Human-computer interaction.

While the subject of design patterns
ASP.NET Data Presentation Controls Essentials
ASP.NET Data Presentation Controls Essentials
This book shows you how to get the most from these controls to easily display and manage complex data in your web applications. It takes you through each of the major data presentation controls in ASP.NET, gets you started using them, and then shows you how to use them in your applications for managing your data.

When you design and
Visual Basic 2008 Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer)
Visual Basic 2008 Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer)
Visual Basic 2008

Providing programmers and developers of all skill levels with a comprehensive tutorial and reference to Visual Basic (VB) 2008, Microsoft MVP Rod Stephenspresents a broad, solid understanding of essential topics on the latest version of VB. He explains the forms, controls, and other objects that VB...

Professional Windows PowerShell for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (Programmer to Programmer)
Professional Windows PowerShell for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (Programmer to Programmer)
Windows PowerShell is a new command-line administration tool that is a giant step forward from previous command-line tools. Often, each Microsoft product would develop separate tools for command-line management, and each of these tools usually had a very narrow feature list and varied command syntax. This would usually lead developers to have to...
Quality Assurance for Dynamics AX-Based ERP Solutions
Quality Assurance for Dynamics AX-Based ERP Solutions
Dynamics AX is a next-generation ERP system that can be customized in any area to provide a competitive edge by facilitating ERP implementations that follow the time-proven processes being used by businesses. This ERP system not only provides additional flexibilities but also has some other unique features such as its layered customization...
Web Mining: :  Applications and Techniques
Web Mining: : Applications and Techniques
Web mining is moving the World Wide Web toward a more useful environment in which users can quickly and easily find the information they need. It includes the discovery and analysis of data, documents, and multimedia from the World Wide Web. Web mining uses document content, hyperlink structure, and usage statistics to assist users in meeting their...
Drupal 5 Themes
Drupal 5 Themes
This book sets out to explain the workings of the Drupal theme framework, and how you can use it effectively. The goal of this book is to explain basic principles, demonstrate practical solutions to common problems, and create a reference for theming.

The book begins with an overview of the theme system and an explanation of what is
Handbook of Ceramic Composites
Handbook of Ceramic Composites

Ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) are at the forefront of advanced materials technology because of their light weight, high strength and toughness, high temperature capabilities, and graceful failure under loading. During the last 25 years, tremendous progress has been made in the development and advancement of CMCs under various research...

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