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Why Service Stinks...and Exactly What to Do About It!
Why Service Stinks...and Exactly What to Do About It!

Customer service expert T. Scott Gross surveyed 10,000 very vocal consumers and talked one-on-one with service people around the globe with the hope of creating a psychological profile of the perfect customer service employee.

Gross’s new book Why Service Stinks contains the results of his research along with studies from...

The Relationship Advantage: Become a Trusted Advisor and Create Clients for Life
The Relationship Advantage: Become a Trusted Advisor and Create Clients for Life

In their new book, The Relationship Advantage: Become a Trusted Advisor and Create Clients for Life, consulting experts Tom Stevenson and Sam Barcus urge executives to concentrate on trust and share their insights into building it, sustaining it, translating it into profitable customer relationships.


Challenges for Computational Intelligence (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Challenges for Computational Intelligence (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
In the year 1900 at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Paris David Hilbert delivered what is now considered the most important talk ever given in the history of mathematics. In this talk Hilbert outlined his philosophy of mathematics and proposed 23 major problems worth working at in future. Some of these problems were in fact more...
Interpreting the CMMI (R): A Process Improvement Approach, Second Edition
Interpreting the CMMI (R): A Process Improvement Approach, Second Edition
Written by experienced process improvement professionals who have developed and implemented computer based systems in organizations around the world, Interpreting the CMMIÒ: A Process Improvement Approach, Second Edition provides you with specific techniques for performing process...
Large-Scale Knowledge Resources: Construction and Application - Third International Conference on Large-Scale Knowledge Resources, LKR 2008
Large-Scale Knowledge Resources: Construction and Application - Third International Conference on Large-Scale Knowledge Resources, LKR 2008
At the start of the 21st century, we are now well on the way towards a knowledgeintensive society, in which knowledge plays ever more important roles. Thus, research interest should inevitably shift from information to knowledge, with the problems of building, organizing, maintaining and utilizing knowledge becoming central issues in a wide variety...
Automated and Algorithmic Debugging: First International Workshop, AADEBUG '93, Link6ping, Sweden, May 3-5, 1993. Proceedings
Automated and Algorithmic Debugging: First International Workshop, AADEBUG '93, Link6ping, Sweden, May 3-5, 1993. Proceedings
This volume contains a selection of the papers which were accepted for presentation at AADEBUG'93, the First International Workshop on Automated and Algorithmic Debugging, held in Link6ping, Sweden, 3-5 May 1993.

The area referred to as automated debugging has seen major developments over the last decade. One especially successful area
NetBeans Enterprise Pack: Building SOA Applications
NetBeans Enterprise Pack: Building SOA Applications
Composite applications aid businesses by stitching together various componented business capabilities. In the current enterprise scenario, empowering business users to react quickly to the rapidly changing business environment is the top most priority. With the advent of composite applications the 'reuse' paradigm has moved from the technical...
Grounding Cognition: The Role of Perception and Action in Memory, Language, and Thinking
Grounding Cognition: The Role of Perception and Action in Memory, Language, and Thinking
One of the key questions in cognitive psychology is how people represent knowledge about concepts such as football or love. Recently some researchers have proposed that concepts are represented in human memory by the sensorimotor systems that underlie interaction with the outside world. These theories represent a recent development in cognitive...
Perspectives of Neural-Symbolic Integration (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Perspectives of Neural-Symbolic Integration (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
The human brain possesses the remarkable capability of understanding, interpreting, and producing human language, thereby relying mostly on the left hemisphere. The ability to acquire language is innate as can be seen from disorders such as specific language impairment (SLI), which manifests itself in a missing sense for grammaticality. Language...
Multiagent System Technologies: 5th German Conference, MATES 2007, Leipzig, Germany, September 24-26, 2007, Proceedings
Multiagent System Technologies: 5th German Conference, MATES 2007, Leipzig, Germany, September 24-26, 2007, Proceedings
The German conference on Multi-Agent System Technologies (MATES) provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, users, and developers to present and discuss the latest advances in research work as well as prototyped or fielded systems of intelligent agents and multi-agent systems. The conference aims to promote theory and applications and...
Systematic Design for Emergence in Cellular Nonlinear Networks: With Applications in Natural Computing and Signal Processing-
Systematic Design for Emergence in Cellular Nonlinear Networks: With Applications in Natural Computing and Signal Processing-
The main problem addressed in this book came out during a Fulbright research fellowship stage at U.C. Berkeley (California, USA, 1996–1998). Then, I had the opportunity to work in the research group of Leon Chua on a subject called CNN (cellular neural/nonlinear network). The CNN, developed in the end of the 1980s was an important step ahead...
Quantum Information And Computing (Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis)
Quantum Information And Computing (Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis)
This volume constitutes the proceedings of the international conference on "Quantum Information 2003" held in Tokyo University of Science/Tokyo (Japan) from 1 to 3 November 2003, in International Institute for Advanced Studies/Kyoto (Japan) from 5 to 7 November 2003, in University of Waseda/Tokyo (Japan) from 29 to 31 October 2003, in...
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