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Accessing and Browsing Information and Communication
Accessing and Browsing Information and Communication
This book contends that accessing and browsing information and communication are multidimensional and consequential aspects of the information user’s entire experience and of general human behavior. Problems in information creation, processing, transmittal, and use often arise from an incomplete conceptualization of the "information...
Algebraic Informatics: Second International Conference, CAI 2007, Thessalonkik, Greece, May 21-25, 2007
Algebraic Informatics: Second International Conference, CAI 2007, Thessalonkik, Greece, May 21-25, 2007
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Algebraic Informatics, CAI 2007, held in Thessaloniki, Greece, in May 2007.

The 10 revised full papers presented together with 9 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 29 submissions. The papers cover topics such as algebraic semantics on...

The Computer Contradictionary: 2nd Edition
The Computer Contradictionary: 2nd Edition
"Ascertain the meaning before consulting this dictionary," warns the author of this collection of deliberately satirical misdefinitions.

New computer cultures and their jargons have burgeoned since this book's progenitor, The Devil's DP Dictionary, was published in 1981. This updated version of Stan
Elasticity with Mathematica ®: An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics and Linear Elasticity
Elasticity with Mathematica ®: An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics and Linear Elasticity
This book is intended for researchers, engineers and students in solid mechanics, materials science and physics who are interested in using the power of modern computing to solve a wide variety of problems of both practical and fundamental significance in elasticity. Extensive use of Mathematica in the book makes available to the reader a range of...
Scientific and Technological Thinking
Scientific and Technological Thinking
At the turn of the 21st century, the most valuable commodity in society is knowledge--particularly new knowledge that may give a culture, company, or laboratory an adaptive advantage. Knowledge about the cognitive processes that lead to discovery and invention can enhance the probability of making valuable new discoveries and inventions. Such...
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2007 International Workshops, BPI, BPD, CBP, ProHealth, RefMod
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2007 International Workshops, BPI, BPD, CBP, ProHealth, RefMod
These proceedings contain the final versions of papers accepted for the workshops that were held in conjunction with the Fifth International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2007) that took place in Brisbane, Australia. Twenty workshop proposals were submitted for this conference of which seven were selected. Ultimately this resulted...
Euro-Par 2007 Workshops: Parallel Processing: HPPC 2007, UNICORE Summit 2007, and VHPC 2007
Euro-Par 2007 Workshops: Parallel Processing: HPPC 2007, UNICORE Summit 2007, and VHPC 2007
Parallel and distributed processing, although within the focus of computer science research for a long time, is gaining more and more importance in a wide spectrum of applications. These proceedings aim to demonstrate the use of parallel and distributed processing concepts in different application fields, and attempt to spark interest in novel...
New Economy Edge: Strategies and Techniques for Boosting Online Profitability
New Economy Edge: Strategies and Techniques for Boosting Online Profitability
Reports of the power of the internet - for businesses, customers and consumers - have swung violently in nature during the past decade. Some people claim that the ‘new economy’ is the greatest force since the onset of the Industrial Revolution, while others argue that this is hype, pointing to inflated share prices and business failures...
EDA for IC Implementation, Circuit Design, and ProcessTechnology (Electronic Design Automation for Integrated Circuits Handbook)
EDA for IC Implementation, Circuit Design, and ProcessTechnology (Electronic Design Automation for Integrated Circuits Handbook)
Electronic Design Automation (EDA) is a spectacular success in the art of engineering.Over the last quarter of a century, improved tools have raised designers’ productivity by a factor of more than a thousand.

Without EDA,Moore’s law would remain a useless curiosity. Not a single billion-transistor chip could be designed or
Applying UML: Advanced Applications
Applying UML: Advanced Applications
So why did we write "yet another" book on the UML? Does the world need it and what, if anything, makes it distinctive? The real answer is that the only way to answer those questions is to read the end result. Here, however, are some of our answers.

In an attempt to end the "object oriented Tower of Babel", the Unified
Computational Intelligence in Control
Computational Intelligence in Control

The problem of controlling uncertain dynamic systems, which are subject to external disturbances, uncertainty and sheer complexity is of considerable interest in computer science, Operations Research and Business domains. The application of intelligent systems has been found useful in problems when the process is either difficult to model or...

Accelerated VB 2008
Accelerated VB 2008
Visual Basic 2008 (VB 2008) is relatively easy to learn for anyone familiar with anotherobject-oriented language. Even someone familiar with Visual Basic 6.0 who is looking for an object-oriented language will find VB 2008 easy to pick up. However, though VB 2008, coupled with .NET, provides a quick path for creating simple applications, you still...
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