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Multimodal User Interfaces: From Signals to Interaction (Signals and Communication Technology)
Multimodal User Interfaces: From Signals to Interaction (Signals and Communication Technology)
Human interfacing with the environment and with other humans is undoubtedly, fully multimodal. All human senses participate, even if some of then dominate, to the everyday human operations of perception, action and interaction. Interaction with the computer or computer-mediated interaction with others has been based for decades in a limited set of...
Public Key Cryptography  PKC 2008: 11th International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public-Key Cryptography, Barcelona, Spain, March 9-12, 2008, Proceedings
Public Key Cryptography PKC 2008: 11th International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public-Key Cryptography, Barcelona, Spain, March 9-12, 2008, Proceedings
These are the Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography – PKC 2008. The workshop was held in Barcelona, Spain, March 9–12, 2008.

It was sponsored by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR; see www.iacr.org), this year in cooperation with MAK, the
GPU Gems 3
GPU Gems 3
It has been only three years since the first GPU Gems book was introduced, and some areas of real-time graphics have truly become ultrarealistic. Chapter 14, "Advanced Techniques for Realistic Real-Time Skin Rendering," illustrates this evolution beautifully, describing a skin...
Advanced Systems Design with Java, UML and MDA
Advanced Systems Design with Java, UML and MDA
The world of software development is experiencing dramatic growth and diversification, with a multitude of new languages and technologies continually being introduced and elaborated: XML, .Net, web services, mobile computing, etc. It therefore becomes increasingly difficult to keep up to date with even the technologies in one particular area....
Advanced SQL: 1999 - Understanding Object-Relational and Other Advanced Features
Advanced SQL: 1999 - Understanding Object-Relational and Other Advanced Features
Advanced SQL:1999 - Understanding Object-Relational and Other Advanced Features is the practitioner's handbook to the standard's advanced features. It is not a re-presentation of the standard, but rather an authoritative, in-depth guide to its practical application. Like its companion, SQL:1999 - Understanding Relational Language...
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Technologies (Advances in Data Warehousing and Mining)
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Technologies (Advances in Data Warehousing and Mining)
Data warehousing and OLAP (online analytical processing) technologies have gained a widespread acceptance since the 90’s as a support for decision-making. A data warehouse is a collection of subject-oriented, integrated, consolidated, time-varying, and non-volatile data (Kimball, 1996; Inmon, 1996). It is manipulated through OLAP tools, which...
Software Maintenance: Concepts and Practice
Software Maintenance: Concepts and Practice
Text explores the key issues underpinning software change, and discusses how these issues impact on the implementation of changes to software systems. For software engineers. Hardcover, softcover available.

Readership: Researchers, graduate students and undergraduates in software engineering, programming, information
Designing Mobile Service Systems (Research in Design Series)
Designing Mobile Service Systems (Research in Design Series)
This book is the second in the Research in Design series. Design is an effort that enjoys a growing attention in the academic world. At Delft University of Technology design is a recognized part of science. Like other technical universities, Delft is rooted in the engineering field. And in spite of questions like ‘what is design’,...
Object-Oriented Programming with PHP5
Object-Oriented Programming with PHP5
PHP is one of the most popular scripting languages of the last couple of years. Almost 60% of web servers are running on Apache with PHP. It is so popular that millions of websites and web applications are developed every month using PHP. PHP started its journey as a simple replacement for Perl, and in a few years it became tremendously popular and...
Practical Data Analysis and Reporting with BIRT
Practical Data Analysis and Reporting with BIRT
BIRT, which stands for Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools, is an Eclipse-based open-source reporting system for Java and J2EE based web applications. Including the word "Tools" in the acronym is appropriate, since BIRT is in fact a collection of development tools and technologies used for developing reports utilizing the BIRT...
SOA Approach to Integration
SOA Approach to Integration
This book for architects and senior developers responsible for setting up Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) for intra-enterprise application integration (EAI) and inter-enterprise (B2B) integration focuses on process-centric SOA to integrate existing (legacy) applications and modern solutions, using new technologies: web services, XML, Enterprise...
Six Sigma: Continual Improvement for Businesses
Six Sigma: Continual Improvement for Businesses
This book shows what it is really like to apply Six Sigma in a range of functions within an organization and also to various types of organizations from the manufacturing sector to commerce and public service. It demonstrates how statistical thinking, coupled with the application of technical and operational knowledge of processes and focus...
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