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Building Reputational Capital: Strategies for Integrity and Fair Play that Improve the Bottom Line
Building Reputational Capital: Strategies for Integrity and Fair Play that Improve the Bottom Line

In the aftermath of scandals such as those at Enron and WorldCom, there is a growing suspicion of the corporate world. For this reason it is more important than ever for firms to maintain a good reputation. In Building Reputational Capital, Kevin T. Jackson offers a practical guide to taking the high road--the only path that leads to...

Java Power Tools
Java Power Tools

All true craftsmen need the best tools to do their finest work, and programmers are no different. Java Power Tools delivers 30 open source tools designed to improve the development practices of Java developers in any size team or organization. Each chapter includes a series of short articles...

Show Me Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003
This book provides concise step-by-step instructions that show you "how" to accomplish a task. Each set of instructions include illustrations that directly correspond to the easy-to-read steps. Also included in the text are timesavers, tables, and sidebars to help you work more efficiently or to teach you more in-depth information. A...
Adobe AIR for JavaScript Developers Pocket Guide (Pocket Guides)
Adobe AIR for JavaScript Developers Pocket Guide (Pocket Guides)
This book is the official guide to Adobe (R) AIR[TM], written by members of the AIR team. With Adobe AIR, web developers can use technologies like HTML and JavaScript to build and deploy web applications to the desktop. Packed with examples, this book explains how AIR works and features recipes for performing common runtime tasks. Part of the Adobe...
MySQL in a Nutshell
MySQL in a Nutshell
When you need to find the right SQL keyword or MySQL client command-line option right away, turn to this convenient reference, known for the same speed and flexibility as the system it covers so thoroughly. MySQL is packed with so many capabilities that the odds of remembering a particular function or statement at the right moment are pretty slim....
Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications
Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications
An accessible introduction to fractals, useful as a text or reference. Part I is concerned with the general theory of fractals and their geometry, covering dimensions and their methods of calculation, plus the local form of fractals and their projections and intersections. Part II contains examples of fractals drawn from a wide variety of areas in...
RFID Applied
RFID Applied
Everything you need to know to implement and fully leverage RFID technology

RFID Applied is just that—the application of radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology. The book discusses both the technical and the business issues involved in selecting, developing, and implementing an RFID system.

Flowgraph Models for Multistate Time-to-Event Data (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
Flowgraph Models for Multistate Time-to-Event Data (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
The main purpose of this book is to present an introduction to flowgraph models for time-to-event data. The focus is on stochastic models for censored time-to-event  data with competing risks and recurrent events. The applications are geared to survivalanalysis and reliability. I view flowgraph models as providing a methodology for data...
209 Fast Spare-Time Ways to Build Zero Cash into 7 Figures a Year in Real Estate
209 Fast Spare-Time Ways to Build Zero Cash into 7 Figures a Year in Real Estate
More fortunes are built in real estate on borrowed money than in any other business. And you can build your fortune in real estate using borrowed money too–if you follow the advice and tips in this book.

Whether you’re making your first foray into real estate investing or have invested for a number of years, 209 Fast Spare-Time Ways...

Special Edition Using XML (2nd Edition)
Special Edition Using XML (2nd Edition)

Special Edition Using XML, Second Edition gives developers a formal introduction to XML technology, starting with indepth coverage of basic syntax and fundamental "pieces" of XML, including DTDs, Schemas, and Namespaces. The authors then cover various applications of XML, including transforming and displaying XML documents using CSS...

C# for Java Developers
C# for Java Developers
The similarities between C# and Java are immediate and obvious, but Java programmers need to overcome certain challenges before they can get up to speed with C#. The expert authors of this title have written the perfect guide to help Java developers move past pitfalls and learn to make use of C#.The authors demonstrate the syntactical and...
The Development and Treatment of Girlhood Aggression
The Development and Treatment of Girlhood Aggression
After decades of neglect, researchers have begun to focus attention on the development and outcomes of girlhood aggression. This comprehensive volume provides an account of some of the pioneering research in the field. Its central aims are to highlight current understanding, identify key components for preventing and treating the complex array of...
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