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Conflicting Paradigms in Adult Literacy Education: In Quest of a U.S. Democratic Politics of Literacy
Conflicting Paradigms in Adult Literacy Education: In Quest of a U.S. Democratic Politics of Literacy
This book provides a broad overview of some of the major trends and issues shaping the theories, practices, research traditions, and politics of adult literacy in the United States since the mid-1980s. If anything, these have been diverse, conflicting, and often irreconcilable. Impinging factors—from the global economy to urban poverty, from...
Handbook of Attitudes
Handbook of Attitudes
This new handbook presents, synthesizes, and integrates the existing knowledge of methods, theories, and data in attitudes. The editors' goal is to promote an understanding of the broader principles underlying attitudes across several disciplines. Divided into three parts: one on definitions and methods; another on the relations of attitudes with...
The Establishment of the Han Empire and Imperial China (Greenwood Guides to Historic Events of the Ancient World)
The Establishment of the Han Empire and Imperial China (Greenwood Guides to Historic Events of the Ancient World)
China's Han Dynasty created a prosperous empire from 206 BCE to CE 221, promoting a less harsh society than that of their Quin predecessors and developing technological advancements from the water mill to stoneware and paper. From elements of social change in Han times to kingdom problems and issues, its role in world society and politics, and its...
Lean Manufacturing Implementation: A Complete Execution Manual for Any Size Manufacturer
Lean Manufacturing Implementation: A Complete Execution Manual for Any Size Manufacturer
The proven, objective, standardized, and complete "how to" sequential series of progressive steps to Lean manufacturing implementation illustrated in this manual are easy to understand and use to effect factory transformation to lean without the aid of a consultant. It also provides a toolbox of techniques for problem - solving,...
The Psychology of Leadership: New Perspectives and Research (Lea's Organization and Management Series)
The Psychology of Leadership: New Perspectives and Research (Lea's Organization and Management Series)
In this book, some of the world's leading scholars come together to describe their thinking and research on the topic of the psychology of leadership. Most of the chapters were originally presented as papers at a research conference held in 2001 at the Kellogg School of Management of Northwestern University. The contributions span traditional...
Expert .NET Micro Framework
Expert .NET Micro Framework
The Microsoft .NET Micro Framework is a small and efficient .NET runtime environment used to run managed code on devices that are too small and resource constrained for Windows CE and the Compact Framework.

Expert .NET Micro Framework will teach you everything you need to know in order to use the .NET Micro Framework to create effective...

Supervised and Unsupervised Ensemble Methods and their Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Supervised and Unsupervised Ensemble Methods and their Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
The rapidly growing amount of data, available from different technologies in the field of bio-sciences, high-energy physics, economy, climate analysis, and in several other scientific disciplines, requires a new generation of machine learning and statistical methods to deal with their complexity and heterogeneity. As data collections becomes...
Putting A New Spin on Groups: The Science of Chaos
Putting A New Spin on Groups: The Science of Chaos
Putting a New Spin on Groups: The Science of Chaos, Second Edition continues to challenge orthodoxy and static ideas about small group dynamics. A primary goal is to offer an alternative model of group development that addresses three factors:

*The model integrates old ideas from previous models of group development with new
Parallel Port Complete: Programming Interfacing & Using the PC'S Parallel Printer Port
Parallel Port Complete: Programming Interfacing & Using the PC'S Parallel Printer Port
The book is designed to serve readers with a variety of backgrounds and interests: Programmers will find code examples that show how to use the port in all of its modes. If you program in Visual Basic, you can use the routines directly in your programs.

For hardware designers, there are details about the port circuits and how to
The Mental Health Professional and the New Technologies: A Handbook for Practice Today
The Mental Health Professional and the New Technologies: A Handbook for Practice Today
Technology, used for both informational and telecommunication purposes, is becoming one of the most important factors in the future of health care delivery. One can see the oncoming change simply by surfing the Internet and looking at the proliferation of health-related Web sites. The 7 million Web sites uncovered by the Alta Vista search engine...
Handbook of Research on Teaching Literacy Through the Communicative and Visual Arts
Handbook of Research on Teaching Literacy Through the Communicative and Visual Arts
The Handbook of Research on Teaching Literacy Through the Communicative and Visual Arts, a comprehensive overview of research on this topic, extends conceptualizations of literacy to include all of the communicative arts (reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing) and the visual arts of drama, dance, film, art, video, and computer...
Flexible Rails: Flex 3 on Rails 2
Flexible Rails: Flex 3 on Rails 2
Flexible Rails is a unique, application-based guide for using Ruby on Rails 2 and Adobe Flex 3 to build rich Internet applications (RIAs). It is not an exhaustive Ruby on Rails or Flex reference. Instead, it is an extensive tutorial in which the reader builds multiple iterations of an interesting RIA using Flex and Rails together.


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