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Digital Signal Processing
Digital Signal Processing
An up-to-the-minute textbook for junior/senior level signal processing courses and senior/graduate level digital filter design courses, this text is supported by a DSP software package known as D-Filter which would enable students to interactively learn the fundamentals of DSP and digital-filter design. The book includes a free license to...
Painting the Web
Painting the Web
Do you think that only professionals with expensive tools and years of experience can work with web graphics? This guide tosses that notion into the trash bin.

Painting the Web is the first comprehensive book on web graphics to come along in years, and author Shelley Powers demonstrates how readers of any level can take
CMMI Distilled: A Practical Introduction to Integrated Process Improvement (3rd Edition) (The SEI Series in Software Engineering)
CMMI Distilled: A Practical Introduction to Integrated Process Improvement (3rd Edition) (The SEI Series in Software Engineering)
CMMI® (Capability Maturity Model® Integration) is an integrated, extensible framework for improving process capability and quality across an organization. It has become a cornerstone in the implementation of continuous improvement for both industry and governments around the world. Rich in both detail and guidance for a wide set of...
Crimeware: Understanding New Attacks and Defenses (Symantec Press)
Crimeware: Understanding New Attacks and Defenses (Symantec Press)
“This book is the most current and comprehensive analysis of the state of Internet security threats right now. The review of current issues and predictions about problems years away are critical for truly understanding crimeware. Every concerned person should have a copy and use it for reference.”
Programming Video Games for the Evil Genius
Programming Video Games for the Evil Genius

Always wanted to be a genius game creator? This Evil Genius guide goes far beyond a typical programming class or text to reveal insider tips for breaking the rules and constructing wickedly fun games that you can tweak and customize to suit your needs!


Eating the IT Elephant: Moving from Greenfield Development to Brownfield
Eating the IT Elephant: Moving from Greenfield Development to Brownfield
A Practical, Start-to-Finish Approach to Managing, Evolving, and Transforming Legacy IT Systems


For every IT executive, manager, architect, program leader, project leader, and lead analyst


Solaris Application Programming (Solaris Series)
Solaris Application Programming (Solaris Series)
This book is a guide to getting the best performance out of computers running the Solaris operating system. The target audience is developers and software architects who are interested in using the tools that are available, as well as those who are interested in squeezing the last drop of performance out of the system.

The book caters to
JavaScript: The Good Parts
JavaScript: The Good Parts

Most programming languages contain good and bad parts, but JavaScript has more than its share of the bad, having been developed and released in a hurry before it could be refined. This authoritative book scrapes away these bad features to reveal a subset of JavaScript that's more reliable, readable, and maintainable than the language as a...

SystemVerilog for Verification, Second Edition: A Guide to Learning the Testbench Language Features
SystemVerilog for Verification, Second Edition: A Guide to Learning the Testbench Language Features
SystemVerilog for Verification, Second Edition provides practical information for hardware and software engineers using the SystemVerilog language to verify electronic designs. The author explains methodology concepts for constructing testbenches that are modular and reusable. The book includes extensive coverage of the SystemVerilog 3.1a...
Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks: IFIP TC6 / WG6.8 Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks
Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks: IFIP TC6 / WG6.8 Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks
This book draws together papers presented at the IFIP/IEEE Sixth Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communications. It focuses on the convergence of mobile wireless networks and the Internet, in particular, integrating stand-alone mobile networks with infrastructure wireless networks to create more robust and accommodating wireless networks....
Database Annotation in Molecular Biology: Principles and Practice
Database Annotation in Molecular Biology: Principles and Practice
Two factors dominate current molecular biology: the amount of raw data is increasing very rapidly and successful applications in biomedical research require carefully curated and annotated databases.  The quality of the data - especially nucleic acid sequences - is satisfactory; however, annotations depend on features inferred from the data...
Harnessing Hibernate
Harnessing Hibernate
Harnessing Hibernate is an ideal introduction to the popular framework that lets Java developers work with information from a relational database easily and efficiently. Databases are a very different world than Java objects, and they often involve people with different skills and specializations. With Hibernate, bridging these two worlds is...
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