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Children's Learning in a Digital World
Children's Learning in a Digital World
"Playing computer video games can be just what you need to get a job." Could such a statement ever be true? Computer games, software, and networking technologies are often viewed as threats to the social, emotional, and physical well being and development of children. However, such beliefs are often unfounded.

This new...

Modern Image Quality Assessment (Synthesis Lectures on Image, Video, & Multimedia Processing)
Modern Image Quality Assessment (Synthesis Lectures on Image, Video, & Multimedia Processing)
This book is about objective image quality assessment—where the aim is to provide computational models that can automatically predict perceptual image quality. The early years of the 21st century have witnessed a tremendous growth in the use of digital images as a means for representing and communicating information. A considerable percentage...
Google Maps Mashups with Google Mapplets (Firstpress)
Google Maps Mashups with Google Mapplets (Firstpress)
Have a Google Maps mashup that you’d like to expose to millions of users on maps.google.com? New to the mapping craze, but have an idea for a killer map–based application? Want to learn how to create GeoRSS and KML feeds with your geotagged content, exposing your customer to new ways of exploring and navigating your content?...
The IAF Handbook of Group Facilitation: Best Practices from the Leading Organization in Facilitation
The IAF Handbook of Group Facilitation: Best Practices from the Leading Organization in Facilitation
Sponsored by the International Association of Facilitators, The IAF Handbook of Group Facilitation offers the need-to-know basics in the field brought together by fifty leading practitioners and scholars. This indispensable resource includes successful strategies and methods, foundations, and resources for anyone who works with groups.

The IAF...

Light Field Sampling (Synthesis Lectures on Image, Video, and Multimedia Processing)
Light Field Sampling (Synthesis Lectures on Image, Video, and Multimedia Processing)
Light field is one of the most representative image-based rendering techniques that generate novel virtual views from images instead of 3D models. The light field capture and rendering process can be considered as a procedure of sampling the light rays in the space and interpolating those in novel views. As a result, light field can be studied as a...
Packet Forwarding Technologies
Packet Forwarding Technologies
As Internet traffic continues to grow exponentially, there is a great need to build Internet protocol (IP) routers with high-speed and high-capacity packet networking capabilities. The first book to explore this subject, Packet Forwarding Technologies explains in depth packet forwarding concepts and implementation technologies. It...
Working Identity: Unconventional Strategies for Reinventing Your Career
Working Identity: Unconventional Strategies for Reinventing Your Career

Whether as a daydream or a spoken desire, nearly all of us have entertained the notion of reinventing ourselves. Feeling unfulfilled, burned out, or just plain unhappy with what we’re doing, we long to make that leap into the unknown. But we also hold on, white-knuckled, to the years of time and effort we’ve invested in our current...

Current Pediatric Therapy (Current Therapy)
Current Pediatric Therapy (Current Therapy)
Generations of practitioners have turned to this reference for the most recent advances in therapeutic care - including medical and surgical therapies, preventive medicine, adolescent gynecology, and behavioral issues. Now, CURRENT PEDIATRIC THERAPY is more of a bargain than ever before! The 18th Edition includes access to a web site for convenient...
Renaissance and Reformation: Almanac Edition 1.
Renaissance and Reformation: Almanac Edition 1.
School Library Journal : "Complementary approaches to an important era in European history. The topically organized Almanac offers an ample overview describing the social, political, scientific, and religious environment that led to the Renaissance and Reformation...The Saaris' Renaissance will be a top choice for...
RFID Explained (Synthesis Lectures on Mobile and Pervasive Computing)
RFID Explained (Synthesis Lectures on Mobile and Pervasive Computing)
This lecture provides an introduction to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), a technology enabling automatic identification of objects at a distance without requiring line-of-sight. Electronic tagging can be divided into technologies that have a power source (active tags), and those that are powered by the tag interrogation signal (passive...
Application Design for Wearable Computing (Synthesis Lectures on Mobile and Pervasive Computing)
Application Design for Wearable Computing (Synthesis Lectures on Mobile and Pervasive Computing)
Mobile access is the gating technology required to make information available at any place and at any time. Its application domains range from inspection, maintenance, manufacturing, and navigation to on-the-move collaboration, position sensing, and real-time speech recognition and language translation. In the course of developing wearable systems...
Beginning VB 2008 Databases: From Novice to Professional
Beginning VB 2008 Databases: From Novice to Professional
As most of the real-world applications interact with the data stored in relational databases, so every VB programmer needs to know how to access data. This book specifically covers how to interact with SQL Server 2005 databases using VB 2008. This book also covers LINQ and ADO.NET 3.5, the most exciting features of .NET Framework 3.5. The chapters...
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