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Ruby on Rails Web Mashup Projects
Ruby on Rails Web Mashup Projects
A web mashup is a new type of web application that uses data and services from one or more external sources to build entirely new and different web applications. Web mashups usually mash up data and services that are available on the Internet—freely, commercially, or through other partnership agreements. The external sources that a mashup...
SAS for Forecasting Time Series, Second Edition
SAS for Forecasting Time Series, Second Edition
In this second edition of the indispensable SAS for Forecasting Time Series, Brocklebank and Dickey show you how SAS performs univariate and multivariate time series analysis. Taking a tutorial approach, the authors focus on the procedures that most effectively bring results: the advanced procedures ARIMA, SPECTRA, STATESPACE, and VARMAX....
What's New in Visual FoxPro 8.0
What's New in Visual FoxPro 8.0

What’s most important when deciding what to include in a new release? Is it bug fixes? Or programming productivity features? Or end-user functionality that will help the developer sell upgrades to applications to their customer and user base? Visual FoxPro 8.0 combines the best of all worlds. So what’s new in Visual...

Fuzzy Automata and Languages: Theory and Applications (Computational Mathematics)
Fuzzy Automata and Languages: Theory and Applications (Computational Mathematics)
The huge number and broad range of the existing and potential applications of fuzzy logic have precipitated a veritable avalanche of books published on the subject. Most, however, focus on particular areas of application. Many do no more than scratch the surface of the theory that holds the power and promise of fuzzy logic. Fuzzy Automata and...
Decision Procedures: An Algorithmic Point of View (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series)
Decision Procedures: An Algorithmic Point of View (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series)
A decision procedure is an algorithm that, given a decision problem, terminates with a correct yes/no answer. Here, the authors focus on theories that are expressive enough to model real problems, but are still decidable. Specifically, the book concentrates on decision procedures for first-order theories that are commonly used in automated...
Visual Information Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Visual Information Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
This book is a thoroughly arranged anthology outlining the state of the art in the emerging area of visual informationsystems. The chapters presented are a selection of thoroughly refereed and revised full papers first presented at the First International Conference on visual Information Systems held in February 1996. Next generation information...
Algorithms: Design Techniques and Analysis (Lecture Notes Series on Computing, Vol 7)
Algorithms: Design Techniques and Analysis (Lecture Notes Series on Computing, Vol 7)
The most general intuitive idea of an algorithm * is a procedure that consists of a finite set of instructions which, given an input from some set of possible inputs, enables us to obtain an output if such an output exists or else obtain nothing at all if there is no output for that particular input through a systematic execution of the...
CCNP ISCW Portable Command Guide (Self-Study Guide)
CCNP ISCW Portable Command Guide (Self-Study Guide)
Welcome to ISCW! In 2006, Cisco Press contacted Scott and told him, albeit very quietly, that there was going to be a major revision of the CCNP certification exams. They then asked whether he would be interested in working on a command guide in the same fashion as his previous books for Cisco Press: the Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA...
Introduction to Microdisplays (Wiley Series in Display Technology)
Introduction to Microdisplays (Wiley Series in Display Technology)

Microdisplays are tiny, high-resolution electronic displays, designed for use in magnifying optical systems such as HDTV projectors and near-eye personal viewers. As a result of research and development into this field, Microdisplays are   incorporated in a variety of visual electronics, notably new 3G portable communications devices,...

The Techniques of Inner Leadership: Making Inner Leadership Work
The Techniques of Inner Leadership: Making Inner Leadership Work

Leadership is fundamentally different from management, but traditional leadership skills were based on an ill-fitting, management-oriented model. When leadership is recognized as a discrete professional specialty, new techniques and methods are needed to operationalize the new values-based theories. In addition to distinguishing leadership from...

Prosody in Speech Understanding Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Prosody in Speech Understanding Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Speech technology, the automatic processing of (spontaneously) spoken language, is now known to be technically feasible. It will become the major tool for handling the confusion of languages with applications including dictation systems, information retrieval by spoken dialog, and speech-to-speech translation. The book gives a throrough account of...
Pattern Recognition, Third Edition
Pattern Recognition, Third Edition
A classic -- offering comprehensive and unified coverage with a balance between theory and practice!

Pattern recognition is integral to a wide spectrum of scientific disciplines and technologies including image analysis, speech recognition and audio classification, communications, computer-aided diagnosis, data mining. The authors,
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