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JNCIP: Juniper Networks Certified Internet Professional Study Guide
JNCIP: Juniper Networks Certified Internet Professional Study Guide

Here’s the book you need to prepare for the hands-on JNCIP exam, CERT-JNCIP-M, from Juniper Networks. Written by the Juniper Networks trainer who helped develop the exam, this Study Guide provides the information and insights you need to approach the challenging JNCIP hands-on lab exam with confidence.

Authoritative coverage of all...

Real World Adobe Illustrator CS2
Real World Adobe Illustrator CS2
How do you define a serious Illustrator user? How about one who uses Illustrator to produce robust and professional-looking vector graphics but also needs the program to be flexible and efficient in  workflow and production cycles. If this describes you or the user you strive to be, then you need this book Filled with the industrial-strength...
Microsoft Excel 2003 Fast & Easy
Microsoft Excel 2003 Fast & Easy

Relax. Learning how to use Microsoft Office Excel 2003 is now a breeze. With this book's step-by-step instructions, you'll be managing your data in effective worksheets in no time. From storing simple data to creating complex calculations, "Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Fast & Easy" gives you the step-by-step...

Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages, Vol. 1: Core Technologies, Second Edition
Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages, Vol. 1: Core Technologies, Second Edition

The J2EE(TM) Platform has become the technology of choice for developing professional e-commerce applications, interactive Web sites, and Web-enabled applications and services. Servlet and JSP(TM) technology is the foundation of this platform: it provides the link between Web clients and server-side applications. In this 2nd...

Advanced Perl Programming
Advanced Perl Programming

With a worldwide community of users and more than a million dedicated programmers, Perl has proven to be the most effective language for the latest trends in computing and business.

Every programmer must keep up with the latest tools and techniques. This updated version of Advanced Perl

Adobe® Illustrator® CS2 @work: Projects You Can Use on the Job
Adobe® Illustrator® CS2 @work: Projects You Can Use on the Job

There are plenty of books available to teach you how to use the different tools that are a part of Adobe Illustrator CS2. But how many will actually show you how to work with the tools and techniques and apply them to real-world, relevant projects that you encounter every day at work? This one will. ...

XML and PHP is a clear, concise guide to the synergies between XML and PHP, many of which are not immediately visible to intermediate developers. XML and PHP demonstrates how PHP and XML can be combined to build cutting-edge Web applications. It includes detailed explanations of...
A+ Complete Lab Manual, Third Edition
A+ Complete Lab Manual, Third Edition

This new edition of the A+ Complete Lab Manual has been thoroughly updated to cover the latest CompTIA objectives. It’s also been revised for easier navigation and a tighter fit with David Groth’s best-selling A+ Complete Study Guide. Use these resources together to gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence you...

MySQL: Building User Interfaces
MySQL: Building User Interfaces

MSQL: Building User Interfaces is written for developers who want to build GUI database applications using MySQL and GTK+. Mathew Stucky demonstrates how to begin, plan, build, and deploy custom applications that can be cross-compiled for either Linux or Microsoft Windows platforms.

Intended for developers who...

ASP.NET for Web Designers
ASP.NET for Web Designers
Teaching ASP.NET in a non-linear format that creative thinkers can easily grasp and understand without the typical programming jargon. Provides clear and concise, hands-on, real-world examples right from the beginning of the book. The book contains a natural progression by providing foundational information in the opening chapters. Content will be...
The MEL Companion: Maya Scripting for 3D Artists (Graphics Series)
The MEL Companion: Maya Scripting for 3D Artists (Graphics Series)

The Maya Embedded Language, or MEL, is the very foundation of the Maya application: it’s what makes it so powerful. And, if you know MEL, you can make Maya work more efficiently for your own projects. Whether customizing the workspace, modifying the tools that already exist, or creating new tools, an artist versed in MEL is ready to...

Ip Multicasting: Concepts and Applications
Ip Multicasting: Concepts and Applications

This book is an introduction to IP multicast concepts and features and is intended for users with varying degrees of experience with the IP multicast technologies, decisionmakers wrestling with the problems of corporate communication, system administrators and operators managing their own workstations, and programmers. Finally, this book is...

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