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Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems (International Series in Intelligent Technologies)
Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems (International Series in Intelligent Technologies)
One of the attractions of fuzzy logic is its utility in solving many real engineering problems. As many have realised, the major obstacles in building a real intelligent machine involve dealing with random disturbances, processing large amounts of imprecise data, interacting with a dynamically changing environment, and coping with uncertainty....
Networking Explained, Second Edition
Networking Explained, Second Edition
Gallo and Hancock provide a sophisticated introduction to their subject in a clear, readable format. These two top networking experts answer hundreds of questions about hardware, software, standards, and future directions in network technology.
  • Wireless networks
  • Convergence of voice and data
  • ...
Stored Procedures, Triggers And User Defined Functions on DB2 Universal Database for Iseries (IBM Redbooks)
Stored Procedures, Triggers And User Defined Functions on DB2 Universal Database for Iseries (IBM Redbooks)

Stored procedures, triggers and User Defined Functions are the key database features for developing robust and distributed applications. In V5R1, SQL Triggers are supported on DB2 Universal Database for iSeries to give much more portability to the database.

This IBM Redbook includes the latest announced features in V5R1 and V5R2 on...

Demystifying the Ipsec Puzzle (Artech House Computer Security Series)
Demystifying the Ipsec Puzzle (Artech House Computer Security Series)
Now that the Internet has blossomed into the "Information Superhighway," with its traffic (and drivers) becoming increasingly diverse, security has emerged as a primary concern. This innovative new book offers you a global, integrated approach to providing Internet Security at the network layer. You get a detailed presentation of the...
Accelerated GWT: Building Enterprise Google Web Toolkit Applications
Accelerated GWT: Building Enterprise Google Web Toolkit Applications
Ajax is a web development technique that takes advantage of JavaScript to display and interact dynamically with information embedded into a web page. Its emergence has made it possible to create web applications that closely resemble their desktop–based brethren. With this exciting new ability came several challenges; not only did developers...
Cybersecurity Operations Handbook
Cybersecurity Operations Handbook
Cybersecurity Operations Handbook is the first book for daily operations teams who install, operate and maintain a range of security technologies to protect corporate infrastructure. Written by experts in security operations, this book provides extensive guidance on almost all aspects of daily operational security, asset protection, integrity...
Innovation Happens Elsewhere: Open Source as Business Strategy
Innovation Happens Elsewhere: Open Source as Business Strategy
It's a plain fact: regardless of how smart, creative, and innovative your organization is, there are more smart, creative, and innovative people outside your organization than inside. Open source offers the possibility of bringing more innovation into your business by building a creative community that reaches beyond the barriers of the business....
Enterprise Java Development on a Budget: Leveraging Java Open Source Technologies
Enterprise Java Development on a Budget: Leveraging Java Open Source Technologies

TODAY THE JAVA 2 PLATFORM, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is the most complete and effective platform for enterprise development. J2EE unifies and embodies the knowledge gained from building up-to-date, multitier applications, and provides this knowledge as a standardized set of modular components and services. We believe that J2EE simplifies many...

Developing Cultural Adaptability: How to Work Across Differences (Center for Creative Leadership)
Developing Cultural Adaptability: How to Work Across Differences (Center for Creative Leadership)

Being able to communicate effectively across cultural differences, understanding how to negotiate complex social situations, and being familiar with the customs and norms of many cultures are important skills in organizations today. Perhaps even more important than possessing those essential pieces of cultural knowledge is the skill of cultural...

Developing Your Intuition: A Guide to Reflective  Practice (Center for Creative Leadership)
Developing Your Intuition: A Guide to Reflective Practice (Center for Creative Leadership)
Leaders often have to make decisions without complete information, and those decisions are expected to be not only right but also timely. Using reflective techniques can help you learn to depend on your intuition for help in making good decisions quickly. Reflective practices may seem time-consuming at the beginning, but the time you put in on the...
Influence: Gaining Commitment, Getting Results (Center for Creative Leadership)
Influence: Gaining Commitment, Getting Results (Center for Creative Leadership)

Influence is an essential component of leadership. Your position in an organization and the power it gives you aren’t always enough to motivate people to do what you ask. Developing your influence skills can help you gain commitment from people at all levels: direct reports, peers, and bosses.

This book includes an assessment tool...

Leading Dispersed Teams (Center for Creative Leadership)
Leading Dispersed Teams (Center for Creative Leadership)
This is a book about leading dispersed teams—teams that are made up of people who don’t work in the same geographical area. Such teams don’t often meet face-to-face. Usually their members are separated by time and distance, and they often bring different cultural views to bear on their work. Solving potential communication...
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