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Professional ASP.NET 1.1 (Programmer to Programmer)
Professional ASP.NET 1.1 (Programmer to Programmer)

Written by a high-profile team of ASP.NET experts, this fully updated Professional guide enables you to take full advantage of the power and possibilities of ASP.NET 1.1. You will travel beyond the basics of ASP.NET Web pages, server controls, and data management to a complete understanding of Web services, debugging, performance, migration, and...

Adobe Photoshop CS/CS2 Breakthroughs
Adobe Photoshop CS/CS2 Breakthroughs
Adobe Photoshop is industry standard digital image software and users are hungry for solutions to their myriad concerns--from how best to manage the program's sometimes unwieldy interface to how to use the new Vanishing Point tool. Photoshop guru David Blatner has scoured the online forums, interviewed Adobe...
First Look at ADO.NET and System Xml v 2.0
First Look at ADO.NET and System Xml v 2.0

Version 2.0 of the .NET Framework will offer powerful enhancements to ADO.NET that will give application and service developers unprecedented control over their data. In A First Look at ADO.NET and System.Xml v. 2.0, Microsoft's lead program manager on XML technologies joins with two leading .NET...

Network Sales and Services Handbook
Network Sales and Services Handbook

A technical handbook for network sales and customer service personnel

One of the most significant challenges in any technical organization is knowledge transfer: getting the knowledge from those "in the know" (network engineers or consultants) to those on the "front lines" (those individuals who are
SQL Tips and Techniques
SQL Tips and Techniques

Beginning with tips for the person who is programming with SQL for the first time, SQL Tips and Techniques grows with your skills. You can start with Tip 1, "Understanding the Definition of a Database," and by the last Tip, "Displaying Image Data Stored Within a SQL Table," you will have covered all aspects of...

Oracle Database 10g High Availability with RAC, Flashback, and Data Guard (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)
Oracle Database 10g High Availability with RAC, Flashback, and Data Guard (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)
Attain real solutions for current availability challenges. Based on a “DBA-centric” approach to High Availability,Oracle Database 10g High Availability concentrates on explaining 10g technologies and practices to database administrators, covering general availability, real application clusters (RAC), disaster planning and...
HP-UX 11i Systems Administration Handbook and Toolkit, Second Edition
HP-UX 11i Systems Administration Handbook and Toolkit, Second Edition

Your complete single source for HP-UX system administration!

Now, there's a single source for all the information HP-UX administrators needto succeed! Marty Poniatowski has updated the world's #1 HP-UX systemadministration guide to cover all the latest HP-UX 11i enhancements, plus all theUNIX commands...

HP NonStop Server Security, First Edition : A Practical Handbook (HP Technologies)
HP NonStop Server Security, First Edition : A Practical Handbook (HP Technologies)

This handbook familiarizes auditors and those responsible for security configuration and monitoring with the aspects of the HP NonStop server operating system that make the NonStop Server unique, the security risks these aspects create, and the best ways to mitigate these risks.

  • Addresses the lack of security standards for the...
Developing Games in Java
Developing Games in Java
If you already have experience programming games with Java, this book is for you. David Brackeen, along with co-authors Bret Barker and Lawrence Vanhelsuwe, show you how to make fast, full-screen action games such as side scrollers and 3D shooters. Key features covered in this book include Java 2 game programming techniques, including latest 2D...
Agile Java Crafting Code with Test-Driven Development
Agile Java Crafting Code with Test-Driven Development

Master Java 5.0 and TDD Together: Build More Robust, Professional Software

Master Java 5.0, object-oriented design, and Test-Driven Development (TDD) by learning them together. Agile Java weaves all three into a single coherent approach to building professional, robust...

Oracle Developer Forms Techniques
Oracle Developer Forms Techniques

Learn the best techniques and tricks from expert Bulusu Lakshman. Apply these real-world applications, undocumented tips, solutions, projects, and techniques to your own programs to become a more efficient and better developer of Oracle Forms. Lakshman gives you what you need to take your Oracle development to the next level.

Graphic Design Portfolio-Builder : Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator Projects
Graphic Design Portfolio-Builder : Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator Projects
Self-paced, self-guided instruction is all well and good, but at the end of the day, most people could use a little feedback--especially when they're ready to build a design portfolio and hit the job market. Not to worry, this book provides actual instructor feedback along with the self-paced, individualized instruction in Photoshop and Illustrator...
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