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Learning Flash Media Server 3
Learning Flash Media Server 3

If you're interested in recording and streaming media using Flash Media Server 3 (FMS3) and Adobe's Real-Time Messaging Protocol, this unique 267-page PDF-only book is the perfect primer. It is not a reference, but a systematic guide to developing FMS3 applications using ActionScript 3.0, with chapters that focus on specific...

Six Sigma Tool Navigator: The Master Guide for Teams
Six Sigma Tool Navigator: The Master Guide for Teams
Six Sigma Tool Navigator is the only lean resource that provides a complete compendium of tools for teams engaged in Six Sigma improvement activities. In addition, it offers actual tools, definitions, and techniques you need to move your organization closer to producing minimal defects. Six Sigma Tool Navigator...
Classical and New Paradigms of Computation and their Complexity Hierarchies
Classical and New Paradigms of Computation and their Complexity Hierarchies
The notion of complexity is an important contribution of logic to theoretical computer science and mathematics. This volume attempts to approach complexity in a holistic way, investigating mathematical properties of complexity hierarchies at the same time as discussing algorithms and computational properties. A main focus of the volume is on some...
Adobe AIR: Create - Modify - Reuse (Programmer to Programmer)
Adobe AIR: Create - Modify - Reuse (Programmer to Programmer)

Adobe AIR: Create - Modify - Reuse

Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) revolutionizes the way Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) are deployed. AIR supports two primary technologies, Flash and HTML/Ajax, in order to make desktop development something that every web developer can do. This book shows you how to set up a...

The Art of Rails (Programmer to Programmer)
The Art of Rails (Programmer to Programmer)
There is a certain state of mind, a certain transient condition that arises, where everything seems to resonate and effort becomes effortless. Athletes call it being in the zone, some others call it flow. Flow has nothing to do with triumph or accomplishment; it isn’t the product of your labors. Flow is the merging of a watchmaker and his...
New Stream Cipher Designs: The eSTREAM Finalists (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
New Stream Cipher Designs: The eSTREAM Finalists (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
The question “Streamciphers: dead or alive?” was posed by Adi Shamir. Intended to provoke debate, the question could not have been better, or more starkly, put. However, it was not Shamir’s intention to suggest that stream ciphers themselves were obsolete; rather he was questioning whether stream ciphers of a dedicated design were...
Games on Symbian OS: A Handbook for Mobile Development (Symbian Press)
Games on Symbian OS: A Handbook for Mobile Development (Symbian Press)
The first part of this book discusses the mobile games industry, and includes analysis of why the mobile industry differs from other sectors of the games market, a discussion of the sales of mobile games, their types, the gamers who play them, and how the games are sold.

The second part describes key aspects of writing games for
Windows Server 2008 Security Resource Kit (PRO - Resource Kit)
Windows Server 2008 Security Resource Kit (PRO - Resource Kit)

In your opinion, which network faces the biggest security risk today: the small office with multiple power users or large corporation with a large LUA base?

The unmanaged networks. I have seen very well managed and very secure networks in both small and large organizations, and I have seen poorly managed and very

Quickstart Apache Axis2
Quickstart Apache Axis2
A new architecture for Axis2 was introduced during the first Axis2 summit, which was held in 2004 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. This new architecture is more flexible, efficient, and configurable in comparison to Axis1.x architecture. Some well established concepts from Axis 1.x, like handlers, have been preserved in the
new architecture.
MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-640): Configuring Windows Server 2008 Active Directory
MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-640): Configuring Windows Server 2008 Active Directory

Your 2-in-1 SELF-PACED TRAINING KIT features official exam prep and practice for the skills measured by Exam 70-640.

Announcing an all-new SELF-PACED
Computational Intelligence Paradigms: Innovative Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Computational Intelligence Paradigms: Innovative Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
System designers are faced with a large set of data which has to be analysed and processed efficiently. Advanced computational intelligence paradigms present tremendous advantages by offering capabilities such as learning, generalisation and robustness. These capabilities help in designing complex systems which are intelligent and robust.


Learning Website Development with Django (From Technologies to Solutions)
Learning Website Development with Django (From Technologies to Solutions)
This book is for web developers who want to see how to build a complete site with Web 2.0 features, using the power of a proven and popular development system, but do not necessarily want to learn how a complete framework functions in order to do this. Readers need a basic knowledge of Python development but no knowledge of Django is expected....
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