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Dynamic Learning Dreamweaver CS3
Dynamic Learning Dreamweaver CS3
Dynamic Learning: Dreamweaver CS3 is like having access to a top-notch team of your very own instructors. Written by product experts and trainers who have produced many of Adobe's training titles, the book takes you step-by-step through the process of learning to use Dreamweaver X like a pro.

This full-color book is
Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics
Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics
With its highly developed capacity to detect patterns in data, Perl has become one of the most popular languages for biological data analysis. But if you're a biologist with little or no programming experience, starting out in Perl can be a challenge. Many biologists have a difficult time learning how to apply the language to bioinformatics. The...
Practical Antenna Handbook
Practical Antenna Handbook
The Antenna Builder’s Bible – Updated and Better Than Ever!

Design and construct your own antennas with step-by-step instructions and plans. Joseph J. Carr’s Practical Antenna Handbook, Fourth Edition, is an update of the most popular book on antennas ever written. This empowering guide blends theoretical concepts that...

Practical Drug Enforcement, Second Edition (Practical Aspects of Criminal and Forensic Investigations)
Practical Drug Enforcement, Second Edition (Practical Aspects of Criminal and Forensic Investigations)
Police work deals with human nature, which is always changing and, therefore, constantly poses new challenges for the law enforcement officer. The skills learned in basic police training are just that — basic. Officers must seek continual training to keep up with their criminal counterparts.

The investigation of crimes such as
Practical Aspects of Interview and Interrogation-Soft Cover
Practical Aspects of Interview and Interrogation-Soft Cover
What makes a person confess to a crime he did not commit? Was he coerced? Is he trying to protect someone else? Interrogation has come under attack as opponents focus on false confessions. However, most cases are still resolved by confession, not forensic evidence. Among the new topics covered in the Second Edition of this bestselling book,...
Systems Approach to Engineering Design (Artech House Telecommunications Library)
Systems Approach to Engineering Design (Artech House Telecommunications Library)
This comprehensive resource shows how to incorporate systems thinking & systems engineering techniques into every stage of the design process from concept inception, testing, & quality assurance, to implementation, delivery, & upgrading

As high-tech engineering organizations learn to do more with less, they
Investment Risk Management (The Wiley Finance Series)
Investment Risk Management (The Wiley Finance Series)
Risk has two sides: underestimating it harms the investor, while overestimating it prevents the implementation of bold business projects. This book explains, from the point of view of the practitioner, the analysis of investment risk - a proper account of adequate risk management strategies - and offers an objective and readable account of the most...
Learner-Centered Theory and Practice in Distance Education: Cases From Higher Education
Learner-Centered Theory and Practice in Distance Education: Cases From Higher Education
Learner-Centered Theory and Practice in Distance Education: Cases From Higher Education brings the voice of the learning sciences to the study and design of distance learning. The contributors examine critical issues in the design of theoretically and pedagogically based distance education programs.

Eight distance education
Teaching Academic ESL Writing: Practical Techniques in Vocabulary and Grammar (ESL and Applied Linguistics Professional)
Teaching Academic ESL Writing: Practical Techniques in Vocabulary and Grammar (ESL and Applied Linguistics Professional)
This work attempts to fill an important gap in teacher professional preparation by focusing on the grammatical and lexical features that are essential for all ESL writing teachers and student-writers to know. The fundamental assumption is that before students of English for academic purposes can begin to successfully produce academic writing, they...
Advanced Process Identification & Control (Control Engineering)
Advanced Process Identification & Control (Control Engineering)
The book is well written and offers a highly readable account of the advanced identification and control theory. [It] offers a straightforward and accessible introduction and can be highly recommended as the main textbook for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses on the subject. In addition, the text can also be recommended to practicing...
Practical Methods for Design and Analysis of Complex Surveys (Statistics in Practice)
Practical Methods for Design and Analysis of Complex Surveys (Statistics in Practice)
"As in the previous edition, this book is a good resource for practitioners and cross-disciplinary researchers who use data from complex survey designs." (Journal of the American Statistical Association, March 2006)

"The first edition of the book was one of the first books in the excellent Wiley U.K. series on...

Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Process Systems (Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing)
Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Process Systems (Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing)
Almost all process systems are nonlinear in nature. Nonlinear control is traditionally an area of interest in process systems engineering which is of great practical importance. These facts notwithstanding, many process engineers have difficulty with the paradigms and results of modern nonlinear control theory because they lack the mathematical...
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