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Ultra Low-Power Electronics and Design (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications)
Ultra Low-Power Electronics and Design (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications)
Power consumption is a key limitation in many high-speed and high-data-rate electronic systems today, ranging from mobile telecom to portable and desktop computing systems, especially when moving to nanometer technologies. Ultra Low-Power Electronics and Design offers to the reader the unique opportunity of accessing in an easy and...
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB, Third Edition
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB, Third Edition

This book uses MATLABR to analyze various applications in mathematics and mechanics. The authors hope to encourage engineers and scientists to consider this modern programming environment as an excellent alternative to languages such as FORTRAN or C++. MATLAB1 embodies an interactive environment with a high level programming language...

The Ultimate CSS Reference
The Ultimate CSS Reference
A complete and thorough and up-to-date reference guide for CSS.

Stop wasting time doing Internet searches only to find inaccurate, out-of-date, or incomplete information. CSS: The Ultimate Reference includes all the ins-and-outs you need to know including compatability information for all major browsers, lists of useful hacks, known...

Counting the Public In
Counting the Public In
"A major scholarly work that adds greatly to our knowledge of the linkages between general public opinion and foreign policy." -- American Political Science Review

Ralph Levering Department of History, Davidson College, and author of The Public and American Foreign Policy, 1918-1978
Cryptography and Security Services: Mechanisms and Applications
Cryptography and Security Services: Mechanisms and Applications
Today's information technology and security networks demand increasingly complex algorithms and cryptographic systems. Individuals implementing security policies for their companies must utilize technical skill and information technology knowledge to implement these security mechanisms. Cryptography and Security Devices: Mechanisms and...
Internationalizing the Internet: The Co-evolution of Influence And Technology (New Horizons in the Economics of Innovation)
Internationalizing the Internet: The Co-evolution of Influence And Technology (New Horizons in the Economics of Innovation)
This compelling book focuses on the global formation of the Internet system. It contests the common belief that the Internet’s adoption was inevitable and instead examines the social and economic processes that allowed to it to prevail over competing standards and methods for achieving a global information infrastructure. The author...
Basic Statistics Using SAS Enterprise Guide: A Primer
Basic Statistics Using SAS Enterprise Guide: A Primer

Now it's easy to perform many of the most common statistical techniques when you use the SAS Enterprise Guide point-and-click interface to access the power of SAS. Emphasizing the practical aspects of the analysis, this example-rich guide shows you how to conduct a wide range of statistical analyses without any SAS programming required. One or...

Colonial Effects
Colonial Effects
The object of this study is the production of national identity and national culture within Jordan as both a typical and an atypical postcolonial nation-state. Recent studies of nationalism describe the nation as “invented”1 or “imagined,”2 by intellectuals and/or political elites who are producers of, or produced by, the...
Creating Effective JavaHelp (Java Series)
Creating Effective JavaHelp (Java Series)

Effective, instantly available online help is a requirement for today's interactive applications. Until now, Java application developers have been forced to develop their own help system. That's no longer necessary. With the release of JavaHelp™, there is a complete and standard online help system for the Java™ platform....

IP Network Design Guide
IP Network Design Guide

This redbook identifies some of the basic design aspects of IP networks and explains how to deal with them when implementing new IP networks or redesigning existing IP networks. This project focuses on internetwork and transport layer issues such as address and name management, routing, network management, security, load...

Java Distributed Computing (O'Reilly Java)
Java Distributed Computing (O'Reilly Java)
Java Distributed Computing discusses how to design and write distributed applications in Java. It covers Java's RMI (Remote Method Invocation) facility and CORBA, but it doesn't stop there; it tells you how to design your own protocols to build message-passing systems, discusses how to use Java's security facilities, how to write multithreaded...
Java Security (2nd Edition)
Java Security (2nd Edition)
One of Java's most striking claims is that it provides a secure programming environment. Yet despite endless discussion, few people understand precisely what Java's claims mean and how it backs up those claims. If you're a developer, network administrator or anyone else who must understand or work with Java's security mechanisms, Java Security is...
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