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Adobe Photoshop Elements 6: A Visual Introduction to Digital Photography (book with CD)
Adobe Photoshop Elements 6: A Visual Introduction to Digital Photography (book with CD)
If you are an amateur or professional photographer who works with digital images and wants great results fast, this essential, easy-to-follow guide from world-renowned Adobe Photoshop Elements expert Philip Andrews is for you!

There are countless ways to use Adobes powerful Elements 6 software, and Andrews helps you with the skills to
Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 Maximum Performance: Unleash the hidden performance of Elements
Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 Maximum Performance: Unleash the hidden performance of Elements
Unleash the hidden potential for professional image editing in Adobe® Photoshop® Elements with this project-based, real-world guide.

Using step-by-step instructions and accompanying movie tutorials, Mark Galer leads you through the less well-known and most powerful post-production editing techniques Adobe® Photoshop®
Advanced Photoshop Elements 6 for Digital Photographers
Advanced Photoshop Elements 6 for Digital Photographers
Think you've exhausted all of the possibilities in Adobe's awesome Photoshop Elements software? Think again. In this fully updated essential guide, Philip Andrews delves deeper into the software than ever before with advanced tips, tricks, and techniques to help the experienced Elements user take their skills to the next level. Move beyond the...
Doing Business in the New China: A Handbook and Guide
Doing Business in the New China: A Handbook and Guide
China's economy, despite recently weathered challenges, continues to prove attractive to foreign investors, expanding businesses, and entrepreneurs seeking global opportunities. This handbook has been written for anyone with an interest in doing business in China, including the consultants and specialists who work with global companies, but it is...
Living Together: A Legal Guide for Unmarried Couples (13th Edition)
Living Together: A Legal Guide for Unmarried Couples (13th Edition)
Living together out of wedlock can mean anything, especially in court -- unlike married couples, most unmarried couples don't automatically inherit or receive protection under the law. Consequently, you must document everything from property ownership and children to wills and other estate plans.

An essential resource for any unmarried couple,...

Macs For Dummies, Eighth Edition
Macs For Dummies, Eighth Edition
Release the power of Mac’s newest OS and multimedia tools!

Work with files, set up a printer, use the iLife® suite, get online, and more

The Mac has become famous as the world’s friendliest computer, but this handy guide will smooth out any rough spots that might arise in your relationship. It takes you from the...

An Illustrated History of the United States of America (Background Books)
An Illustrated History of the United States of America (Background Books)
A fascinating history of the USA from the time of the Amerindians to the culturally diverse but united country of today.

This is a companion volume to "An Illustrated History of Britain". It traces the history of the USA from the time of the Amerindians, through to the arrival of the Europeans, to the present day. Topics
Digital Photography Pocket Guide
Digital Photography Pocket Guide
Digital photography has come of age. Digital cameras are now affordable, easy to use, and provide quality images that rival their traditional film counterparts. Interest among consumers and the technicallly savvy is soaring.

Digital images are easier to share, and because you only print the pictures you need, they're much more cost effective...

HTML Pocket Reference (2nd Edition)
HTML Pocket Reference (2nd Edition)
In this completely revised and updated pocket reference, Jennifer Niederst, the author of the best-selling Web Design in a Nutshell, delivers a complete guide to every HTML tag. As with O'Reilly's other pocket references, this handy book offers the bare essentials in a small, concise format that you can carry anywhere for quick reference....
The Orthopaedic Physical Exam
The Orthopaedic Physical Exam
"Excellent for anyone evaluating orthopaedic patients...A good reference for brushing up on the lesser-used tests that are needed on occasion in a clinical practice...A good addition to the libraries of practitioners who wish to sharpen their clinical diagnostic techniques."JOSPT

A must-have for anyone who performs
Java 2D Graphics
Java 2D Graphics
One weakness of Java has been its graphics capabilities. Java 1.0 and 1.1 only included simple primitives for line drawing: lines could only be one pixel wide, they could only be solid, and there wasn't any good way to draw curves. Font management and color management were also weak. Java 2D (collectively called the "2D API") signals...
Java in a Nutshell (The Java Series)
Java in a Nutshell (The Java Series)

The bestselling Java in a Nutshell has been updated to cover Java 1.1. If you're a Java programmer who is migrating to 1.1, this second edition contains everything you need to get up to speed on the new features of Java 1.1. Or if you are just now jumping on the Java bandwagon, Java in a Nutshell still has all of the...

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