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Architectures for E-Business Systems: Building the Foundation for Tomorrow's Success
Architectures for E-Business Systems: Building the Foundation for Tomorrow's Success
As dot.com companies grapple with rigid market conditions and we keep hearing how the big technology players are being punished on Wall Street, it becomes easy to think of the Internet as a fad. The Internet frenzy may have subsided, but interest in the Internet as a business and marketing tool is still strong. It will continue to impact...
How to Program Using C++
How to Program Using C++
Welcome to a book about learning to program.

Before we go any further, you need to be absolutely clear about what it is that you are holding in your hand. This is possibly a book with the name of a programming language in the title that is unlike any book with the name of a programming language in the title that you have encountered
ASP.NET Developer's Cookbook (Developer's Library)
ASP.NET Developer's Cookbook (Developer's Library)
ASP.NET Developer's Cookbook is the first foray into the Microsoft market within the Sams Developer?s Cookbook series. It's a perfect fit for developers that are up-to-speed with ASP.NET, in general, and want a task reference to utilize while developing their Web applications. Each chapter will consist of a brief introduction to the topic at hand,...
Oracle Database Programming Using Java and Web Services
Oracle Database Programming Using Java and Web Services
The traditional division of labor between the database (which only stores and manages SQL and XML data for fast, easy data search and retrieval) and the application server (which runs application or business logic, and presentation logic) is obsolete. Although the books primary focus is on programming the Oracle Database, the concepts and...
Pro LINQ Object Relational Mapping in C# 2008
Pro LINQ Object Relational Mapping in C# 2008
It is nearly impossible today to write enterprise software without the use of one or more relational databases. Granted, there are cases when the data is transient and not stored in a database, but for the most part, software needs to consume and manipulate data in a database. It sounds easy, but there are hundreds of ways to connect software...
Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectJ
Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectJ
In a November 2001 Java Pro magazine article, noted Java pundit Daniel Savarese states, "The days of Object-Oriented Programming may be numbered, One day we may all be using Aspect-Oriented Programming ." While this may be hyperbole, the AOP bring certain needed improvements to the OOP. AspectJ is a Java-based tool that allows...
Evaluating Information Systems: Public and Private Sector
Evaluating Information Systems: Public and Private Sector
Companies make a huge investment of 4 to 10% of their turnover on IT - this book reveals how this is evaluated and measured.

The adoption of Information Technology (IT) and Information Systems (IS) represents significant financial investments, with alternative perspectives to the evaluation domain coming from both the public
Optimal Traffic Control: Urban Intersections
Optimal Traffic Control: Urban Intersections
Despite traffic circles, four-way stop signs, lights regulated by timers or sensors, and other methods, the management of urban intersections remains problematic. Consider that transportation systems have all the features of so-called complex systems: the great number of state and control variables, the presence of uncertainty and indeterminism,...
Digital Accounting: The Effects of the Internet And Erp on Accounting
Digital Accounting: The Effects of the Internet And Erp on Accounting
Digital Accounting: The Effects of the Internet and ERP on Accounting provides a foundation in digital accounting by covering fundamental topics such as accounting software, XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language), and EDI. The effects of the Internet and ERP on accounting are classified and presented for each accounting cycle, along with a...
Pro WF: Windows Workflow in .NET 3.5
Pro WF: Windows Workflow in .NET 3.5
I started working with the new Microsoft WinFX technology stack early in the beta and Community Technology Preview (CTP) stages. The foundations that began their life as WinFX (Windows Presentation, Windows Communication, and Windows Workflow) became a shipping Microsoft product named .NET Framework 3.0 in November 2006. I actually started to learn...
Architecture Design for Soft Errors
Architecture Design for Soft Errors
"Dr. Shubu Mukherjee's book is a welcome surprise: books by architecture leaders in major companies are few and far between. Written from the viewpoint of a working engineer, the book describes sources of soft errors and solutions involving device, logic, and architecture design to reduce the effects of soft errors." - Max Baron,...
Usability Evaluation: A Special Issue of the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
Usability Evaluation: A Special Issue of the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
This article is an extended version of a keynote address presented at the 9th International Conference on Human–Computer Interaction held in New Orleans, August 5 through 10, 2001. The article presents an overview of issues pertaining to the development of a user-friendly information society, and introduces 3 concepts for improving the...
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