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Networking All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Networking All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
10 books in 1 — your key to networking success!

Your one-stop guide to the latest updates on networking

Packed with new and updated material on Windows Server 2008, the latest Red Hat Fedora, Vista, and Office 2007, and the most up-to-date wireless standards, this solitary reference...

Pattern Recognition Technologies and Applications: Recent Advances (Premier Reference Source)
Pattern Recognition Technologies and Applications: Recent Advances (Premier Reference Source)
The nature of handwriting in our society has significantly altered over the ages due to the introduction of new technologies such as computers and the World Wide Web. With increases in the amount of signature verification needs, state of the art internet and paper-based automated recognition methods are necessary.

Pattern Recognition...

The Laboratory Computer: A Practical Guide for Physiologists and Neuroscientists (Biological Techniques Series)
The Laboratory Computer: A Practical Guide for Physiologists and Neuroscientists (Biological Techniques Series)
The Laboratory Computer: A Practical Guide for Physiologists and Neuroscientists introduces the reader to both the basic principles and the actual practice of recording physiological signals using the computer.
It describes the basic operation of the computer, the types of transducers used to measure physical quantities such
Internet Based Workflow Management: Towards a Semantic Web
Internet Based Workflow Management: Towards a Semantic Web
Today, an ever-expanding set of human activities, ranging from business processes to healthcare to education and research, is dependent upon the Internet. Most processes involve a workflow, the coordinated execution of multiple activities. In a given application, once the key stages of the workflow have been isolated, an infrastructure to...
Computer Architecture, Fourth Edition: A Quantitative Approach
Computer Architecture, Fourth Edition: A Quantitative Approach

The era of seemingly unlimited growth in processor performance is over: single chip architectures can no longer overcome the performance limitations imposed by the power they consume and the heat they generate. Today, Intel and other semiconductor firms are abandoning the single fast processor model in favor of multi-core...

Mac OS X Leopard Bible
Mac OS X Leopard Bible
Get up to speed on Mac OS X Leopard with this in-depth guide

The beauty of Leopard is that there is so much more than meets the eye, including over 300 new enhancements and its ability to run on both Intel PCs and PowerPC Macs. This comprehensive reference is your best guide on how to tame this powerful new cat. You'll find...

Pattern Recognition, Second Edition
Pattern Recognition, Second Edition
Pattern recognition is becoming increasingly important in the age of automation and information handling and retrieval.
This book provides the most comprehensive treatment available of pattern recognition, from an engineering perspective. Developed through more than ten years of teaching experience, Pattern Recognition is appropriate for both
In Silico: 3D Animation and Simulation of Cell Biology with Maya and MEL (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
In Silico: 3D Animation and Simulation of Cell Biology with Maya and MEL (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
In Silico introduces Maya programming into one of the most fascinating application areas of 3D graphics: biological visualization. In five building-block tutorials, this book prepares animators to work with visualization problems in cell biology. The book assumes no deep knowledge of cell biology nor 3D graphics programming. An...
Wireless Communications
Wireless Communications
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the basic principles, design techniques and analytical tools of wireless communications, focusing primarily on the design of practical systems. It begins with an overview of wireless systems and standards. The characteristics of the wireless channel are then described, including capacity limits....
Parallel Iterative Algorithms: From Sequential to Grid Computing
Parallel Iterative Algorithms: From Sequential to Grid Computing
Computer science is quite a young research area. However, it has already been subject to several major advance steps which, in general, have been closely linked to the technological progresses of the machine components. It can easily be assumed that the current evolution takes place at the level of the communication networks whose quality, either...
Dynamic Simulations of Electric Machinery: Using MATLAB/SIMULINK
Dynamic Simulations of Electric Machinery: Using MATLAB/SIMULINK
Everything you need to use MATLAB and SIMULINK for interactive modeling.

With today's personal computers, students have the power to create simulations of electric machinery that allow them to study transient and control performance and test conceptual designs. The outcome of these simulations can reveal behaviors that may not have been readily...

Mac OS X Leopard Pocket Guide (Pocket Reference)
Mac OS X Leopard Pocket Guide (Pocket Reference)
No matter how much Mac experience you have, Mac OS X Leopard requires that you get reacquainted. This little guide is packed with more than 300 tips and techniques to help you do just that. You get all details you need to learn Leopard's new features, configure your system, and get the most out of your Mac. Pronto. Mac OS X Leopard Pocket Guide...
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