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MEL Scripting for Maya Animators, Second Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
MEL Scripting for Maya Animators, Second Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
Trying to learn Maya programming from the documentation can be daunting whether or not you are a programmer. The first edition of MEL Scripting for Maya Animators earned the reputation as the best introductory book on MEL, Mayas scripting language. Now fully revised and updated, the second edition also includes new features, such as a...
The Physics of Information Technology
The Physics of Information Technology
"...throughout the text, Gershenfeld retains much of the conversational tone and spontaneity of a lecture. At its best, this makes for enjoyable reading, with interesting tidbits and asides that enliven the discussions....Gershenfeld's book will be valuable for physical scientists looking for an enjoyable introduction to the information...
ColdFusion MX Developer's Cookbook (Developer's Library)
ColdFusion MX Developer's Cookbook (Developer's Library)
ColdFusion is a rapid application development tool used to create Web sites throughout the Internet. The product's ease of use and capabilities allow even inexperienced developers to rapidly produce basic Web sites.

The ColdFusion MX Developer's Cookbook focuses upon teaching the use of ColdFusion's advanced features in the development of more...

Mastering Active Directory for Windows Server 2008
Mastering Active Directory for Windows Server 2008
Detailed Coverage of Active Directory for Windows Server 2008, 2003, 2003 R2, and 2000

If you are responsible for the day-to-day operations of Active Directory, you need this book. From Windows Server 2000 up through the new features available in Windows Server 2008, this comprehensive guide gives you the practical...

GMPLS: Architecture and Applications (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)
GMPLS: Architecture and Applications (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)
"This is a strong author team and they have produced a much-needed and timely book"
--Bruce Davie, Cisco Fellow

"GMPLS technology provides a keystone for next generation integrated optical networks, and this book is the one-stop reference on the subject."
--Kireeti Kompella, Juniper Networks and CCAMP
Digital Library Use: Social Practice in Design and Evaluation (Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing)
Digital Library Use: Social Practice in Design and Evaluation (Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing)
The contributors to this volume view digital libraries (DLs) from a social as well as technological perspective. They see DLs as sociotechnical systems, networks of technology, information artifacts, and people and practices interacting with the larger world of work and society. As Bruce Schatz observes in his foreword, for a digital library to be...
Building Distributed Applications with Visual Basic.NET (White Book)
Building Distributed Applications with Visual Basic.NET (White Book)
Building Distributed Applications with Visual Basic.NET provides corporate developers with the .NET Framework techniques necessary to build distributed and reusable business systems in VB.NET. Covered topics include: VB.NET and the .NET Framework architecture and language concepts; building distributed applications with VB.NET using...
Online Newsgathering: Research and Reporting for Journalism
Online Newsgathering: Research and Reporting for Journalism
Journalists used to rely on their notepad and pen. Today, professional journalists rely on the computerand not just for the writing. Much, if not all, of a journalists research happens on a computer.

If you are journalist of any kind, you need to know how to find the information you need online. This book will show you how to find
The Scanning Workshop
The Scanning Workshop
The other day, I was talking to someone about this book, and he asked me, “Why are scanners so cheap? Is there some sort of catch?” (He’s my accountant, so he’s paid to ask skeptical questions about money.) The answer is no, there is no catch. Heck, with some scanner models, you don’t even need a computer! Desktop...
Windows Home Server Users Guide (Expert's Voice)
Windows Home Server Users Guide (Expert's Voice)
If you’re searching for a practical and comprehensive guide to installing, configuring, and troubleshooting Microsofts Windows Home Server, look no further. Inside Windows Home Server User’s Guide, you’ll learn how to install, configure, and use Windows Home Server and understand how to connect to and manage different...
Architecture-Independent Programming for Wireless Sensor Networks (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing)
Architecture-Independent Programming for Wireless Sensor Networks (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing)
New automated, application-independent methodology for designing and deploying sensor networks

Following this book's clear explanations, examples, and illustrations, domain experts can design and deploy nontrivial networked sensing applications without much knowledge of the low-level networking aspects of deployment. This new approach is based...

Sell It on eBay: TechTV's Guide to Successful Online Auctions
Sell It on eBay: TechTV's Guide to Successful Online Auctions
Got goods to sell? Then get this guide! Chances are, if something exists (and maybe even if it doesn't), it's been sold on eBay! But making sure that your items not just sell, but sell quickly, at your desired price, and without any snafus in shipping or payment takes some doing in the world's largest bazaar. To ensure that kind of eBay success,...
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