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Wireless Personal Area Networks: Performance, Interconnection, and Security with IEEE 802.15.4
Wireless Personal Area Networks: Performance, Interconnection, and Security with IEEE 802.15.4
Wireless personal area networks and wireless sensor networks are rapidly gaining popularity, and the IEEE 802.15 Wireless Personal Area Working Group has defined no less than three different standards so as to cater to the requirements of different applications. One of them is the low data rate WPAN known as 802.15.4, which covers a broad range of...
Visual Data Mining: Theory, Techniques and Tools for Visual Analytics (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Visual Data Mining: Theory, Techniques and Tools for Visual Analytics (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
The importance of visual data mining, as a strong sub-discipline of data mining, had already been recognized in the beginning of the decade. In 2005 a panel of renowned individuals met to address the shortcomings and drawbacks of the current state of visual information processing. The need for a systematic and methodological development of visual...
Traffic Grooming for Optical Networks: Foundations, Techniques and Frontiers (Optical Networks)
Traffic Grooming for Optical Networks: Foundations, Techniques and Frontiers (Optical Networks)
Traffic grooming is the name given to a family of optical network design problems that has attracted significant attention from both academia and industry in the last decade or so. The huge bandwidth of fiber optical networking is much larger than the typical bandwidth demands experienced by network service providers. This mismatch creates a need...
Strategies for Information Technology and Intellectual Capital
Strategies for Information Technology and Intellectual Capital
"Due to the increasing importance of the intangible assets of a company, firms are now concerned with how best to manage and measure knowledge and other intangibles. In addition to this, information technology has drastically changed the way these measurements are managed. Strategies for Information Technology and Intellectual Capital:...
Development, Trade, and the Wto: A Handbook (World Bank Trade and Development Series)
Development, Trade, and the Wto: A Handbook (World Bank Trade and Development Series)
Today, trade policy is at the forefront of the development agenda, and it is a critical element of any strategy to fight poverty. This renewed interest in trade liberalization does not come from dogma but instead is based on a careful assessment of development experience over the last 50 years.

Developing countries that increased their
Information Technology Policy: An International History
Information Technology Policy: An International History
This book brings together a series of country-based studies to examine, in depth, the nature and extent of IT policies as they have evolved from a complex historical interaction of politics, technology, institutions, and social and cultural factors. In doing so many key questions are critically examined. Where can we find successful examples of IT...
Advanced 3-D Game Programming with DirectX 8.0 (With CD-ROM)
Advanced 3-D Game Programming with DirectX 8.0 (With CD-ROM)
Microsoft’s DirectX is a powerful set of application programming interfaces used for multimedia application development. The latest version offers increased performance, better usability, and more power to create the next generation of interactive entertainment products that rival anything seen in the past. This revision of the best-selling...
Learn MS Access 2000 Programming by Example (With CD-ROM)
Learn MS Access 2000 Programming by Example (With CD-ROM)
Are you ready to go beyond the basics to fully exploit the power of Microsoft Access? Do you want to build powerful applications that provide enhanced functionality and increase user productivity? You can easily make an Access database do a whole lot more than can be achieved with the provided user interface. All you need is this book and a desire...
Mechanics of User Identification and Authentication: Fundamentals of Identity Management
Mechanics of User Identification and Authentication: Fundamentals of Identity Management
User identification and authentication are essential parts of information security. Users must authenticate as they access their computer systems at work or at home every day. Yet do users understand how and why they are actually being authenticated, the security level of the authentication mechanism that they are using, and the potential impacts...
Beginning SQL Server 2008 for Developers: From Novice to Professional
Beginning SQL Server 2008 for Developers: From Novice to Professional
SQL Server 2008 is a first–rate database management system. It offers more capability than any previous release of SQL Server. More than just a classic relational database management system, SQL Server 2008 includes exciting and powerful features that make it useful for everything from large corporate data warehouses to ad hoc departmental...
Android Essentials (Firstpress)
Android Essentials (Firstpress)

Android Essentials is a no–frills, no–nonsense, code–centric run through the guts of application development on Google’s Mobile OS. This book uses the development of a sample application to work through topics, focusing on giving developers the essential tools and examples required to make viable commercial...

Practical API Design: Confessions of a Java Framework Architect
Practical API Design: Confessions of a Java Framework Architect
You might think more than enough design books exist in the programming world already. In fact, there are so many that it makes sense to ask why you would read yet another. Is there really a need for yet another design book? In fact, there is a greater need than ever before, and Practical API Design: Confessions of a Java Framework...
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