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Audio Mashup Construction Kit: ExtremeTech
Audio Mashup Construction Kit: ExtremeTech

Wonder what would happen if the Big Band sound crashed into heavy metal? Or what the offspring of a balladeer and a rapper might sound like? How about smooth jazz and acid rock? Stop wondering-this book will take you there. You'll explore hardware and software choices first and select what you...

Wireless Data Services: Technologies, Business Models and Global Markets
Wireless Data Services: Technologies, Business Models and Global Markets
"[T]his is a quite readable book with lots of interesting nuggets of information..." Russell J. Haines, Communications Engineer

"This is an excellent book covering all of the current research and development in the wireless industry as well as pointing out what is to come. A recommended book for all academic
Computational Electromagnetics for RF and Microwave Engineering
Computational Electromagnetics for RF and Microwave Engineering
The numerical approximation of Maxwell's equations, Computational Electromagnetics (CEM), has emerged as a crucial enabling technology for radio-frequency, microwave and wireless engineering. The three most popular 'full-wave' methods - the Finite Difference Time Domain Method, the Method of Moments, and the Finite Element Method - are introduced...
Delphi 5 Developer's Guide (Developer's Guide)
Delphi 5 Developer's Guide (Developer's Guide)
The Delphi 5 Developer's Guide is a complete reference showing developers what they need to know most about Delphi 5. The text begins with a tour of Delphi 5 basics, including improvements since version 1. After observing object-oriented Pascal programming, including advanced language features, the authors turn to the strengths of using the Visual...
Sams Teach Yourself Linux Security Basics in 24 Hours
Sams Teach Yourself Linux Security Basics in 24 Hours
This book is an introductory, tutorial-style text designed to give the reader a strong foundational knowledge of securing a Linux system. This book teaches the reader how to securely install and run Linux as it comes shipped from most Linux distributors. Most other titles in this market focus on the use of tools and software not normally included...
Linux Apache Web Server Administration (Linux Library)
Linux Apache Web Server Administration (Linux Library)
Authoratative Answers to All Your Apache Questions—Now Updated to Cover Apache 2.0

Linux Apache Web Server Administration is the most complete, most advanced guide to the Apache Web server you’ll find anywhere. Written by a leading Apache expert—and now updated to
Mastering Kylix 2
Mastering Kylix 2
Kylix is Borland's new tool, based on Delphi, for developing applications that run on the Linux operating system. In this book, best-selling Mastering Delphi author Marco Cantu tackles all aspects of using the tool. Whether you are a Delphi developer who wants to learn Linux development, or you are a Linux developer who wants to learn how to use...
Mastering Red Hat Linux 7
Mastering Red Hat Linux 7
Join the Red Hat Revolution!
Newly revised and updated, Mastering Red Hat Linux is the essential guide to the world's leading Linux distribution. Inside, you'll find everything you need to know to install, configure, use, and optimize Red Hat Linux. You'll even find the operating system itself-the Publisher's Edition of Red Hat Linux 7.1,
Troubleshooting Oracle Performance
Troubleshooting Oracle Performance
What do you do when your database application isn’t running fast enough? You troubleshoot, of course. Finding the slow part of an application is often the easy part of the battle. It’s finding a solution that’s difficult. Troubleshooting Oracle Performance helps by providing a systematic approach to addressing the...
LPIC Prep Kit 101 General Linux I (Exam Guide)
LPIC Prep Kit 101 General Linux I (Exam Guide)
The Linux Level I Exam Guide prepares you to pass the Linux Level I exam. The tutorial text is strictly exam-related and flows with minimal interruption, covering all necessary objectives for the exam. Study aids begin with the Chapter Opener to ready you for learning. To help you fully understand the topic, visual cues are used liberally...
Object-Oriented and Internet-Based Technologies: 5th Annual International Conference
Object-Oriented and Internet-Based Technologies: 5th Annual International Conference
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference on Object-Oriented and Internet-Based Technologies, Concepts and Applications for a Networked World, Net. Object Days 2004, held in Erfurt, Germany, in September 2004.

The 15 revised full papers presented together with an invited paper were carefully...

Web Accessibility: A Foundation for Research (Human-Computer Interaction Series)
Web Accessibility: A Foundation for Research (Human-Computer Interaction Series)
Covering key areas of evaluation and methodology, client-side applications, specialist and novel technologies, along with initial appraisals of disabilities, this important book provides comprehensive coverage of web accessibility.

Written by leading experts in the field, it provides an overview of existing research and also looks at future...

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