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The 7 Irrefutable Rules of Small Business Growth
The 7 Irrefutable Rules of Small Business Growth

"Steve is a true storyteller, and it's his real-world stories that bring these rules to life. This book is both a great read and a practical guide to reaching the next level. Here's something else that is irrefutable...Steven Little is the business growth expert!"
—Lee Jones

Bioinformatics and Systems Biology: Collaborative Research and Resources
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology: Collaborative Research and Resources
Collaborative research in bioinformatics and systems biology is a key element of modern biology and health research. This book highlights and provides access to many of the methods, environments, results and resources involved, including integral laboratory data generation and experimentation and clinical activities. Collaborative projects embody a...
The Testing Network: An Integral Approach to Test Activities in Large Software Projects
The Testing Network: An Integral Approach to Test Activities in Large Software Projects
"The Testing Network" presents an integrated approach to testing based on cutting-edge methodologies, processes and tools in today's IT context. It means complex network-centric applications to be tested in heterogeneous IT infrastructures and in multiple test environments (also geographically distributed). The added-value of this book is...
Electronic Commerce: Fundamentals & Applications
Electronic Commerce: Fundamentals & Applications
A comprehensive introduction to the underlying technologies of e-commerce. This book explores the full range of technologies, protocols, and techniques necessary for building successful e-commerce sites. The authors begin with an overview of the Internet and the Web, then quickly move on to explain server-side programming techniques, cryptography...
Object Oriented Programming in VB.Net
Object Oriented Programming in VB.Net
This book takes an object-oriented approach to introduce Visual Basic .NET. The author begins by covering object-oriented analysis, design, and modeling using UML. He then moves into a detailed discussion of objects and clasess, after which, readers begin develoing their own short programs. Advanced topics such as data structures, components,...
Managing in the Email Office (Computer Weekly Professional)
Managing in the Email Office (Computer Weekly Professional)
Managing the Email Office is for all people who feel email is taking over their lives. It provides practical help and guidance on how to manage both their own volume of email as well as their organization's. It will enable you to develop winning ways with email and to re-claim some of those valuable resources which email...
Space Time Coding for Broadband Wireless Communications
Space Time Coding for Broadband Wireless Communications
This is the first book on space-time coding for wireless communications, one of the most promising techniques for ensuring bandwidth efficiency. The text describes theoretical principles as well as engineering applications; discusses key criteria in the design of practical space-time codes; and covers single-carrier and multi-carrier transmission...
Data Broadcasting: Merging Digital Broadcasting with the Internet, Revised Edition
Data Broadcasting: Merging Digital Broadcasting with the Internet, Revised Edition

An updated and revised edition of Data Broadcasting: The Technology and the Business, c1999. Features new sections on wireless communications, and explains how data broadcasting can solve traffic problems on the Internet. For executives and developers in the telecommunications, software, hardware and media industries. Softcover.

Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat Linux 8 in 24 Hours
Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat Linux 8 in 24 Hours
An easy-to-understand, step-by-step guide to installing, configuring, and using Red Hat Linux. Red Hat Linux is the most popular choice among Linux users in the U.S., with about 80% of the U.S. Linux market. Includes complete coverage of the new features of the upgrade to Red Hat, due out in Fall 2002. Assumes no prior knowledge of Linux and is an...
Local Area Network Management, Design & Security
Local Area Network Management, Design & Security
Most workplaces rely on local area networks (LANs) to connect their computers and the right LAN is increasingly important in promoting effective communication both within the organisation and with the world at large.

Local Area Network Management, Design and Security is a practical and thorough introduction to managing and
Optical and Digital Techniques for Information Security (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications)
Optical and Digital Techniques for Information Security (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications)
This book comprehensively surveys the results of research investigation and technologies used to secure, verify, recognize, track, and authenticate objects and information from theft, counterfeiting, and manipulation by unauthorized persons and agencies. This book will draw on the diverse expertise in optical sciences and engineering, digital...
Digital Media Tools
Digital Media Tools
Digital Media Tools is a clearly focused introduction to acquiring skills in the use of major software tools to create multimedia. It will help you in the practical preparation of illustrations and still images, video animation and sound as well as multimedia authoring for the Web. With the benefit of these experts coaching you, as you...
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