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A Simple Guide to Dreamweaver MX
A Simple Guide to Dreamweaver MX
Dreamweaver MX is part of the MX Web development ‘family’ at Macromedia and offers a sophisticated development interface for both beginners and advanced users. Dreamweaver enables you to get your hands dirty with visible and accessible HTML code or lets you work in blissful ignorance while it builds code for you behind the scenes....
Computeractive Guide to PC Tuning (Computer Active)
Computeractive Guide to PC Tuning (Computer Active)
Welcome to the third book in the Computeractive StepbyStep series. If you’ve read any of the others, you’ll know what to expect: a direct approach that leads you through everything you need to know about tuning your PC, with lots of examples and a step-by-step workshop at the end of each chapter.

As before, we avoid jargon
Dreamweaver X in No Time
Dreamweaver X in No Time
Dreamweaver MX In No Time is designed as a guide to web developers at all levels of experience. For the novice the guide walks you through the program from the simplest steps of setting up a page, through to pulling in dynamic content for that page from a database. There is a clear explanation of HTML and how it works and a description of other web...
The Telecom Handbook
The Telecom Handbook
Whether you're an IT professional, a telecom professional, an office administrator, or just starting out in the business world, this book provides you with an organized, easy-to-use introduction to business telecommunications systems and services. It does

The Telecom Handbook helps you get up-to-speed on business telecom systems and
The Grid 2: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure (The Elsevier Series in Grid Computing)
The Grid 2: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure (The Elsevier Series in Grid Computing)
“This is a source book for the history of the future.

Vint Cerf, Senior Vice President, Internet Architecture and Engineering, MCI Communications

The grid promises to fundamentally change the way we think about and use computing. This infrastructure will connect multiple regional and national computational...

Advances in Mobile and Wireless Communications: Views of the 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communication Summit
Advances in Mobile and Wireless Communications: Views of the 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communication Summit
This volume presents the most exciting results of the Mobile and Wireless Communication Summit, held 2007 in Budapest. It contains worked out contributions from all areas of wireless communications, physical layer, access methods, techniques and technologies, networks, applications and systems.

Lectori Salutem!

This is another
Soft Computing: Techniques and its Applications in Electrical Engineering (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Soft Computing: Techniques and its Applications in Electrical Engineering (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Intuitive consciousness/ wisdom is also one of the frontline areas in soft computing, which has to be always cultivated by meditation. This book is an introduction to some new fields in soft computing with its principal components of fuzzy logic, ANN and EA and it is hoped that it would be quite useful to study the fundamental concepts on these...
Intellectual Property and Open Source: A Practical Guide to Protecting Code
Intellectual Property and Open Source: A Practical Guide to Protecting Code
"Clear, correct, and deep, this is a welcome addition to discussions of law and computing for anyone -- even lawyers!" -- Lawrence Lessig, Professor of Law at Stanford Law School and founder of the Stanford Center for Internet and Society

If you work in information technology, intellectual property is central to your job -- but...

iPhone: The Missing Manual: Covers the iPhone 3G
iPhone: The Missing Manual: Covers the iPhone 3G

In the first year of the iPhone’s existence, Apple sold 6 million of them; brought the thing to 70 countries; and inspired an industry of misbegotten iPhone lookalikes from other companies. By the end of Year One, you could type iPhone into Google and get 229 million hits.

Now there’s a new iPhone, the iPhone 3G.

High Performance MySQL: Optimization, Backups, Replication, and More
High Performance MySQL: Optimization, Backups, Replication, and More
High Performance MySQL is the definitive guide to building fast, reliable systems with MySQL. Written by noted experts with years of real-world experience building very large systems, this book covers every aspect of MySQL performance in detail, and focuses on robustness, security, and data integrity. High Performance MySQL teaches you advanced...
The OPEN Process Framework: An Introduction
The OPEN Process Framework: An Introduction
The OPEN Process Framework provides a template for generating flexible, yet disciplined, processes for developing high-quality software and system applications within a predictable schedule and budget. Using this framework as a starting point, you can create and tailor a process to meet the specific needs of the project.

If you are a project...

IT Service Management Guide: Vol. 1
IT Service Management Guide: Vol. 1
The importance of IT Service Management is becoming widely recognized. Whereas in the 1960s and 1970s interest was still focused mainly on the improvement of hardware, and whereas the development of software was the major concern until well into the 1980s, the 1990s was the decade that saw the rise of service management.

For decades,
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