Major advances in instrumentation and technology have made high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) a pervasive tool in virtually all areas of chemical and biomedical research today. Despite HPLC's enormous growth, technical problems still bedevil most users at least occasionally.
When I wrote Imponderables™, I purposely omitted any questions about the origins of words and phrases. An Imponderable was a mystery that couldn’t be answered by standard reference books, and so many wonderful books about words already existed that I couldn’t believe there was a need for more.
The primary aim of this book is to make the principles of program derivation
from specifications accessible to undergraduates early in their study of
computing science.
The proliferation of personal computers in the home and in schools
has meant that there are large numbers of people who have had exposure to
using computers...
Growing technological requirements and the widespread acceptance of sophisti
cated electronic devices have created an unprecedented demand for large-scale,
complex, integrated circuits. Meeting these demands has required technological
advances in materials and processing equipment, significant increases in the num
ber of...