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Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ (Computer Engineering)
Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ (Computer Engineering)

Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ introduces modern issues in the theory of algorithms, emphasizing complexity, graphs, parallel processing, and visualization. To accomplish this, the book uses an appropriate subset of frequently utilized and representative algorithms and applications in order to demonstrate the unique and modern aspects...

Natural Language Processing for Prolog Programmers
Natural Language Processing for Prolog Programmers

An examination of natural language processing in Prolog for those who know Prolog but not linguistics, this book enables students to move quickly into writing and working in useful software. It features many working computer programs that implement subsystems of a natural language processor. These programs are designed to be understood in...

Neurobiology of Neural Networks (Computational Neuroscience)
Neurobiology of Neural Networks (Computational Neuroscience)

This timely overview and synthesis of recent work in both artificial neural networks and neurobiology seeks to examine neurobiological data from a network perspective and to encourage neuroscientists to participate in constructing the next generation of neural networks. Individual chapters were commissioned from selected authors to bridge the...

Digital Filter Designer's Handbook: Featuring C Routines/Book and Disk (Electronic Design & Construction)
Digital Filter Designer's Handbook: Featuring C Routines/Book and Disk (Electronic Design & Construction)

This hands-on guide for circuit designers, technicians, and students discusses digital filter specification and design techniques. The book's coverage begins with a review of filter design fundamentals, complete with all the necessary mathematical background, and proceeds through the theory, operation, design and implementation of every...

Learn C++ on the Macintosh: Includes Special Version of Symantec C++ for Macintosh/Book and Disk
Learn C++ on the Macintosh: Includes Special Version of Symantec C++ for Macintosh/Book and Disk

Written by the author of the bestselling Learn C on the Macintosh, this self-teaching book/disk package gently leads the reader through a comprehensive tutorial in programming fundamentals and C++ language basics. Readers learn how to write, edit, compile, and run their first C++ programs on the Macintosh.

The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla (Lost Science)
The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla (Lost Science)
While a large portion of the European family has been surging westward during the last three or four hundred years, settling the vast continents of America, another, but smaller, portion has been doing frontier work in the Old World, protecting the rear by beating back the "unspeakable Turk" and reclaiming gradually the...
Awaken Healing Light of the Tao
Awaken Healing Light of the Tao

Included in this book are new spinal chi kung warmups to quickly energize any meditation. The reader will also learn how to combine sexual passion with a loving heart inside the body to relieve sexual-emotional frustration and speed up spiritual growth.

All Universal Tao books are based on the real experiences of the many people...

A First Course in Computational Physics
A First Course in Computational Physics
Computers have changed the way physics is done, but those changes are only slowly making their way into the typical physics curriculum. This textbook is designed to help speed that transition.

Computational physics is now widely accepted as a third, equally valid complement to the traditional experimental and theoretical approaches to
Sparc Architecture, Assembly Language Programming, and C
Sparc Architecture, Assembly Language Programming, and C
  • Provides reader understanding of the complexity and cost of using various data and control structures in high-level languages
  • Includes the latest material on the new Ultra SPARC architecture
  • Frequent references to C and C++ language constructs and their translation into SPARC assembly language
  • ...

I once knew this girl who thought she was God.She didn't give sight to the blind or raise the dead. She didn't even teach anything, not really,and she never told me anything I probably didn't already know. On the other hand,she didn'texpect to be worshipped, nor did she askfor money. Given her high opinion of herself, some...

Approximate Kalman Filtering (Approximations and Decompositions)
Approximate Kalman Filtering (Approximations and Decompositions)

Kalman filtering algorithm gives optimal (linear, unbiased and minimum error-variance) estimates of the unknown state vectors of a linear dynamic-observation system, under the regular conditions such as perfect data information; complete noise statistics; exact linear modelling; ideal will-conditioned matrices in computation and strictly...

High Performance Computer Architecture (3rd Edition) (Addison-Wesley Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering)
High Performance Computer Architecture (3rd Edition) (Addison-Wesley Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Teaching computer architecture is an interesting challenge for the instructor because the field is in constant flux. What the architect does depends strongly on the devices available, and the devices have been changing every two to three years, with major breakthroughs once or twice a decade. Within the brief life of the first edition of this...
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