In this revised and updated edition of The Rights of Public Employees, Robert M. O’Neil broadens the focus from government employees to all public employees, emphasizing the public-service nature of the occupations and professions of such individuals. Using a question-and-answer format, O’Neil covers such topics as...
Computational complexity, originated from the interactions between computer science and numerical optimization, is one of the major theories that have revolutionized the approach to solving optimization problems and to analyzing their intrinsic difficulty. This volume is a collection of articles on recent complexity developments in numerical...
Chemical engineers frequently have to deal with multicomponent mixtures; that is, systems containing three or more species. Conventional approaches to mass transfer in multicomponent mixtures are based on an assumption that the transfer flux of each component is proportional to its own driving force. Such approaches are valid for certain special...
In this eagerly awaited second edition, Grady Booch draws upon the rich and varied results of those projects and offers improved methods for object development and a new, unified notation. With numerous examples implemented in C++, Booch illustrates essential concepts, explains the method, and shows successful applications in a variety of fields....
Algorithmic Algebra studies some of the main algorithmic tools of computer algebra, covering such topics as Gröbner bases, characteristic sets, resultants and semialgebraic sets. The main purpose of the book is to acquaint advanced undergraduate and graduate students in computer science, engineering and mathematics with the...
Throughout most of the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, computational linguistics
enjoyed an excellent reputation. A sense of the promise of the work to society
was prevalent, and high expectations were justified by solid, steady progress in
Nevertheless, by the close of the 1980s, many people openly expressed doubt
The pioneering work of Edwin T. Jaynes in the field of statistical physics, quantum optics, and probability theory has had a significant and lasting effect on the study of many physical problems, ranging from fundamental theoretical questions through to practical applications such as optical image restoration. Physics and Probability is a...
The purpose of Jakob Nielsen's Usability Engineering is to help nontechnical people improve the systems so that
they are not only error-free but also easier and more pleasant to use, and more efficient. It is a book that ...shows us how to change the world and does so admirably....One of this book's strengths is that it...
This book is aimed at freshman, sophomores, and juniors in college who
are even remotely interested in some of the current applications of
mathematics to the real world. The difficulty with most of the other linear
programming books on the market is that they are high end books, written
primarily in a fairly rigorous fashion...
This book is for anyone who wants to learn the basics of programming a PC in its native tongue, which is the 80X86 Assembly language. It discusses practical working code for dealing with specifics of the PC DOS software environment using the Microsoft Macro Assembler 6.0. This book can be very useful as a starting guide to use with your macro...
Computer games are by far the most popular type of software. The market for game software is huge—practically anyone with a PC can use games. If you are like me, you probably play your share of computer games and have your own favorite categories. And because you are a programmer, you might have thought of many ideas that...
Wars against Freud have been waged along virtually every front during the past decade. Now Paul Robinson takes on three of Freud's most formidable critics, mounting a thoughtful, witty, and ultimately devastating critique of the historian of science Frank Sulloway, the psychoanalyst Jeffrey Masson, and the philosopher Adolf...