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Color Atlas of Otoscopy: From Diagnosis to Surgery
Color Atlas of Otoscopy: From Diagnosis to Surgery

...provides simple and efficient visual training in the evaluation and diagnosis of ear canal and middle ear pathology as seen through the otoscope...includes differential diagnoses and where appropriate, CTs and line drawings.

Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Easy Mathematics for Biologists
Over the past decade or so I have become increasingly concerned that many students on B.Sc. and HND courses in the biological sciences have great difficulty with numerical calculations relating to aspects of biology, whether it is with both the mathematics and the applications, or just a problem applying the mathematics to a particular situation....
Java Threads, Second Edition
Java Threads, Second Edition
This book is intended for programmers of all levels who need to learn to use threads within Java programs. The first few chapters of the book deal with the issues of threaded programming in Java, starting at a basic level: no assumption is made that the developer has had any experience in threaded programming. As the chapters progress, the material...
Software Process Quality : Management and Control
Software Process Quality : Management and Control
Software presents both an opportunity and a threat. Software runs our lives. The list of applications in which software is a critical component is endless: elevators, airlines, telecommunications, medical devices, education, and countless others. Data from the Software Engineering Institute indicates that approximately 60% of software development...
Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB
Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB

Useful to students, professional engineers, scientists, and technicians, Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB

  • provides a simple, easy-to-understand, hands-on introduction to MATLAB
  • demonstrates the use of MATLAB for solving electronic problems
  • outlines various ways MATLAB solves...
Securing Java: Getting Down to Business with Mobile Code, 2nd Edition
Securing Java: Getting Down to Business with Mobile Code, 2nd Edition
Information Security/Java "This book is mandatory reading for every user and developer of Webware." —Peter G. Neumann, Moderator of the Risks Forum, from his review of the first edition Securing Java Java security is more important now than ever before. As Java matures and moves into the enterprise, security takes a more prominent...
A Guide to LATEX: Document Preparation for Beginners and Advanced Users (3rd Edition)
A Guide to LATEX: Document Preparation for Beginners and Advanced Users (3rd Edition)

A completely revised edition of this accessible guide to LATEX document preparation, bringing it up to date with the latest releases and Web ad PC based developments. A Guide to LATEX covers the basics as well as advanced LATEX topics and contains numerous practical examples and handy tips for avoiding problems. It covers the latest LATEX...

A Course in Real Analysis
A Course in Real Analysis

A Course in Real Analysis provides a firm foundation in real analysis concepts and principles while presenting a broad range of topics in a clear and concise manner. This student-oriented text balances theory and applications, and contains a wealth of examples and exercises. Throughout the text, the authors adhere to the idea that most...

The Optimal Implementation of Functional Programming Languages (Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science)
The Optimal Implementation of Functional Programming Languages (Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science)
All traditional implementation techniques for functional languages fail to avoid useless repetition of work. They are not "optimal" in their implementation of sharing, often causing a catastrophic, exponential explosion in reduction time. Optimal reduction is an innovative graph reduction technique for functional expressions, introduced...
Neural Networks and Psychopathology: Connectionist Models in Practice and Research
Neural Networks and Psychopathology: Connectionist Models in Practice and Research
This volume of essays on neural networks and psychopathology is aimed at an unusually diverse audience. On the one hand, we hope that the volume will be read by psychiatrists, psychologists, and other clinicians and researchers interested in psychopathology and its treatment. On the other hand, we hope that it will be read by...
vi Editor Pocket Reference (Pocket Reference (O'Reilly))
vi Editor Pocket Reference (Pocket Reference (O'Reilly))

For many users, working in the UNIX environment means using vi, a full-screen text editor available on most UNIX systems. Even those who know vi often make use of only a small number of its features.The vi Editor Pocket Reference is a companion volume to O'Reilly's updated sixth edition of Learning the vi Editor,...

Modelling Financial Derivatives with MATHEMATICA ®
Modelling Financial Derivatives with MATHEMATICA ®

One of the most important tasks in finance is to find good mathematical models for financial products, in particular derivatives. However, the more realistic the model, the more practitioners face still-unsolved problems in rigorous mathematics and econometrics, in addition to serious numerical difficulties. The idea behind this book is to...

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