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Clsc Exam Certification Guide (Cisco Career Certification)
Clsc Exam Certification Guide (Cisco Career Certification)
CLSC Exam Certification Guide is a comprehensive preparation tool for the CLSC exam (#640-404) and Foundation Routing and Switching exam (#640-409). Coverage of all CLSC exam objectives ensures readers will arrive at a complete understanding of the exam topics. This title reviews the main features of the Catalyst family of switches and the...
Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications (Academic Press Series in Engineering)
Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications (Academic Press Series in Engineering)
The field of soft computing is emerging from the cutting edge research over the last ten years devoted to fuzzy engineering and genetic algorithms. The subject is being called soft computing and computational intelligence. With acceptance of the research fundamentals in these important areas, the field is expanding into direct applications through...
The Electrical Engineering Handbook on CD-ROM
The Electrical Engineering Handbook on CD-ROM

Substantially revised and updated, this classic handbook - now presented electronically - is a comprehensive compilation of physical, chemical, material, and mathematical data, encompassing the entire field of electrical engineering. The CD-ROM includes definitions and explanations of nearly 2,000 terms; almost 3,500 equations and formulas,...

Pragmatic Programmer, The: From Journeyman to Master
Pragmatic Programmer, The: From Journeyman to Master

This book is aimed at people who want to become more effective and more productive programmers. Perhaps you feel frustrated that you don't seem to be achieving your potential. Perhaps you look at colleagues who seem to be using tools to make themselves more productive than you. Maybe your current job uses older technologies, and you...

Analysis and Design of Integrated Circuit-Antenna Modules
Analysis and Design of Integrated Circuit-Antenna Modules
The latest breakthrough in the continuing miniaturization of electronic systems is made possible by the integration of circuit functions and radiating elements into single modules. In a typical system implementation, electronic circuits and antenna subsystems are often provided by different equipment vendors. Traditionally,...
MCSD Training Guide: Solution Architectures
MCSD Training Guide: Solution Architectures
Each Training Guide will be organized around the exam objectives. This makes it very easy for readers to focus on areas where they need to improve. It also helps them identify what the key topics on the exam will be.

The MCSD Solution Architectures Training Guide is a fine, well-thought-out, solidly put together book on
Exploring Analytical Geometry with Mathematica
Exploring Analytical Geometry with Mathematica
The study of two-dimensional analytic geometry has gone in and out of fashion several times over the past century, however this classic field of mathematics has once again become popular due to the growing power of personal computers and the availability of powerful mathematical software systems, such as Mathematica, that can provide an...
Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly))
Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly))

Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell is an indispensable quick reference for Java programmers who are writing applications that use graphics or graphical user interfaces. The author of the bestsellingJava in a Nutshell has written fast-paced introductions to the Java APIs that comprise the Java Foundation Classes...

Essential C++
Essential C++
For the practicing programmer with little time to spare, Essential C++ offers a fast-track to learning and working with C++ on the job. This book is specifically designed to bring you up to speed in a short amount of time. It focuses on the elements of C++ programming that you are most likely to encounter and examines features and techniques that...
Visual Modeling with Rational Rose 2000 and UML
Visual Modeling with Rational Rose 2000 and UML
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) offers standard semantics and notation for describing object structure and behavior and has emerged as the design medium of choice for developing large-scale distributed object applications. Augmented by the Rational Unified Process, an extensive set of software development guidelines, and the Rational Rose...
DocBook: The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly XML)
DocBook: The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly XML)
DocBook provides a system for writing structured documents using SGML or XML. It is particularly well-suited to books and papers about computer hardware and software, though it is by no means limited to them. DocBook is an SGML document type definition (...
Managing Software Requirements: A Unified Approach (The Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series)
Managing Software Requirements: A Unified Approach (The Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series)
Despite the wealth of development knowledge, experience, and tools generally available today, a substantial percentage of software projects continue to fail, often because requirements are not correctly determined and defined at the outset, or are not managed correctly as the project unfolds. Clients do not always know or express their needs...
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