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Foundations of Multithreaded, Parallel, and Distributed Programming
Foundations of Multithreaded, Parallel, and Distributed Programming

Greg Andrews teaches the fundamental concepts of multithreaded, parallel and distributed computing and relates them to the implementation and performance processes. He presents the appropriate breadth of topics and supports these discussions with an emphasis on performance. Features *Emphasizes how to solve problems, with correctness the...

Optimizing Windows for Games, Graphics and Multime
Optimizing Windows for Games, Graphics and Multime

Every Windows user has spent hours trying to figure out ways to optimize system performance. And each of those same users has most likely been frustrated by that process. Understanding Win 9x and tuning it to be more efficient, whether for desktop applications or video-intensive games, can be very time-consuming.This book gives you...

C by Example
C by Example
C By Example makes programming easy to learn for the beginning programmer. It builds your programming skills by using clear, easy-to-understand exercises. Hands-on, real world examples show you how to write programs that flow correctly and produce accurate results. At the end of the book, you will use the concepts you have learned to build a...
XML by Example
XML by Example
XML by Example is intended for people with some basic HTML coding experience.
If you can write a simple HTML page and if you know the main tags (such
as <P>, <TITLE>, <H1>), you know enough HTML to understand this book. You
don’t need to be an expert, however.
Some advanced techniques introduced in the
UNIX Backup and Recovery
UNIX Backup and Recovery
Unix Backup & Recovery provides a complete overview of all facets of Unix backup and recovery, and offers practical, affordable backup and recovery solutions for environments of all sizes and budgets. The book begins with detailed explanations of the native backup utilities available to the Unix...
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Linux
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Linux
Complete Idiot's Guide To Linux, Second Edition, covers: Preparing to install the system, Using shells and online documentation, The X Windows graphical interface, Networking and Internet, Administration, Configuring Linux for multimedia , and A guide to available software and tools. If you have been wanting to get started using Linux, but are not...
The Book of IRC: The Ultimate Guide to Internet Relay Chat
The Book of IRC: The Ultimate Guide to Internet Relay Chat
ICQ and other new-fangled chat applications may get most of the press, but Internet Relay Chat (IRC) remains the Wild West of real-time online conversations. Populated by the most diverse collection of characters this side of the Mos Eisley cantina scene in Star Wars, IRC will keep you up late chatting with people all over the world. The...
Professional PHP Programming
Professional PHP Programming
This book covers middle-tier programming with PHP.

PHP is a server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language. It is an open source technology, rapidly gaining popularity as a scripting language for people running dynamic websites. One of its major attractions over Perl, JavaScript and other scripting languages is that PHP has a built-in
Bioinformatics Basics: Applications in Biological Science and Medicine
Bioinformatics Basics: Applications in Biological Science and Medicine

Scientists in the throes of research use an extensive data bank to access structural information on proteins and nucleic acids. Meanwhile, geneticists use a highly specialized form of software to analyze the hybridization pattern of DNA chips. The past decade has been tremendously successful for biotechnology and pharmaceutical...

Binary Digital Image Processing: A Discrete Approach
Binary Digital Image Processing: A Discrete Approach
Binary Digital Image Processing: A Discrete Approach is a comprehensive book on the mathematical foundations of binary digital image processing. It provides a unified theoretical coverage of digital topology, discrete geometry, mathematical morphology and algorithmic graph theory and their applications in image analysis.
Sams Teach Yourself DirectX 7 in 24 Hours (Teach Yourself -- Hours)
Sams Teach Yourself DirectX 7 in 24 Hours (Teach Yourself -- Hours)
From the first hour, Sams Teach Yourself DirectX 7 in 24 Hours has you creating your own DirectX-enabled applications. Author Robert Dunlop guides you through the complicated DirectX APIs, empowering you to create your own DirectX powered applications featuring smooth 3D graphics and sound. In addition to laying the COM-based DirectX foundation,...
Analog BiCMOS Design: Practices and Pitfalls
Analog BiCMOS Design: Practices and Pitfalls
This book presents practical methods and pitfalls encountered in the design of biCMOS integrated circuits. It is intended as a reference for design engineers and as a text for an introductory course on analog integrated circuit design for engineering seniors and graduate students. Abroad range of topics are covered with the intent of giving new...
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