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Who Moved My Cheese?
Who Moved My Cheese?
Who Moved My Cheese? is a simple parable that reveals profound truths about change. It is an amusing and enlightening story of four characters who live in a 'Maze' and look for 'Cheese' to nourish them and make them happy.

Two are mice named Sniff and Scurry. And two are little people' - beings the size of mice who look and act a lot
Handbook Of Polypropylene And Polypropylene Composites (Plastics Engineering (Marcel Dekker, Inc.), 51.)
Handbook Of Polypropylene And Polypropylene Composites (Plastics Engineering (Marcel Dekker, Inc.), 51.)
There has been a major effort, particularly in the last five years, to develop polypropylene- based composites to replace metals and many types of engineering thermoplastics in high-performance applications. In addition to providing reduced cost per unit volume, interphase design of polypropylene composites can be tailored to...
Language and Communication: Essential Concepts for User Interface and Documentation Design
Language and Communication: Essential Concepts for User Interface and Documentation Design
Computer interfaces and documentation are notorious for being difficult to learn and use. This timely volume shows how ideas developed by linguists and language teachers can be used to design computers which are truly user-friendly. The author argues that software and hardware designers should see users as language learners and consider such...
Patterns in Java, Volume 2
Patterns in Java, Volume 2
Mark Grand's Patterns in Java, Volume 2 offers a grab bag of 50 reusable patterns for Java developers. Together, these patterns can improve your graphical user interface (GUI) design, testing, and the overall robustness of your next Java project.

After a short introduction to patterns and UML (unified modeling language) basics, the...

Essential Windows(r) CE Application Programming
Essential Windows(r) CE Application Programming

The indispensable guide to writing clean CE applications, including real-world tips, techniques, and workarounds.

Microsoft's Windows CE operating system is quickly finding its way into a wide variety of information appliances like Handheld and Palm-size PCs, television set top boxes, smart telephones, and electronic...

Biology of the Arterial Wall (Basic Science for the Cardiologist)
Biology of the Arterial Wall (Basic Science for the Cardiologist)
`... a timely, complete and useful review of the arterial wall in states of health and disease. This is the first book that I am aware of that covers recent advances in such a thorough manner under a single cover. Although the editors have aimed it at clinicians and researchers, it will be more valuable to the...
Data Preparation for Data Mining (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
Data Preparation for Data Mining (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
Data Preparation for Data Mining addresses an issue unfortunately ignored by most authorities on data mining: data preparation. Thanks largely to its perceived difficulty, data preparation has traditionally taken a backseat to the more alluring question of how best to extract meaningful knowledge. But without adequate preparation of your...
Clusterin in Normal Brain Functions and During Neurodegeneration (Neuroscience Intelligence Unit)
Clusterin in Normal Brain Functions and During Neurodegeneration (Neuroscience Intelligence Unit)

Clusterin is a multifunctional protein which was independently discovered by more than ten different research groups in the 1980s. New roles of clusterin in brain functions have come to llight which are summarized here by the researchers involved. Recent discoveries include a unique lipoprotein particle containing clusterin and apoE secreted...

Proc Tabulate by Example
Proc Tabulate by Example
Everyone is doing it. Jumping into the exciting world of Second Life (SL) to see what all the buzz is about, to start a business, to catch up with friends, to teach a class, or just to go dancing without having to worry about how uncomfortable those heels are going to get by the end of the night.

Maybe you’ve only just heard about
PostScript(R) Language Reference (3rd Edition)
PostScript(R) Language Reference (3rd Edition)

IN THE 1980S, ADOBE DEVISED a powerful graphics imaging model that over time has formed the basis for the Adobe PostScript technologies. These technologies— a combination of the PostScript language and PostScript language–based graphics and text-formatting applications, drivers, and imaging systems—have forever changed the...

Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence
Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence
The study of multiagent systems began in the field of distributed artificial intelligence (DAI) about 20 years
ago. Today these systems are not simply a research topic, but are also beginning to become an important subject of
academic teaching and industrial and commercial application. While there are several high-quality collections of
Software Development: Building Reliable Systems
Software Development: Building Reliable Systems

80% of software projects fail -- here’s why the other 20% succeed!

Software Development is the most thorough, realistic guide to "what works" in software development - and how to make it happen in your organization. Leading consultant Marc Hamilton tackles all three key components of...

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