MCSE in a Nutshell: The Windows 2000 ExamsMicrosoft's MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) candidates in the Windows 2000 track are required to pass five core exams and two elective exams. These exams are designed to provide a valid and reliable measure of competency for experienced IT professionals working in the typically complex computing environment of medium to large... | | Workflow Modeling: Tools for Process Improvement and Application DevelopmentJust when process orientation has become mainstream thinking for business people and systems people alike, it seems that the flow of process-oriented literature has pretty well stopped. So here we are, thousands of us, up to our necks in process improvement and information systems projects, finding that there is a real shortage of... | | Internetworking Troubleshooting Handbook (2nd Edition)If you can think of the problem, Internetworking Troubleshooting Handbook probably has the solution--at least when it comes to networking problems. This 714-page tome is absolutely phenomenal in scope. Though you may not find in-depth scholarly discussions of networking woes, you will find pragmatic tips that can help you through an... |
How to Use Excel in Analytical Chemistry and in General Scientific Data AnalysisSpreadsheets provide one of the most easily learned routes to scientific computing. This book uses Excel®, the most powerful spreadsheet available, to explore and solve problems in general and chemical data analysis. It follows the usual sequence of college textbooks in analytical chemistry: statistics, chemical equilibria, pH calculations,... | | Soils of the PastIt is 10 years since publication of the first edition of soils of the past. In that time the subject of paleopedology has grown rapidly, and established itself within the mainstream of geological research.
Ancient soils contain vital mineralogical, geochemical, textural, and paleontological information about the continental environments in... | | Handbook of Logic in Computer Science 5"Oxford University Press publishes a wonderful series of books entitled Handbook of Logic in Computer Science. ... Volume 5: Logic and Algebraic Methods, has I think the best discussion of abstract data types that I have read."--he Bulletin of Mathematics Books Logic is now widely recognized as one of the foundational... |
MCSE: Windows 2000 Migration Study Guide Exam 70-222 (With CD-ROM)The new Windows 2000 MCSE certification track is here! And Sybex, the leader in certification self-study material, has what you need to approach the exams with confidence. The MCSE: Windows 2000 Upgrade Study Guide provides in-depth coverage of all official exam objectives for this new elective exam. In addition to the practical, real-world... | | Hacking CyberspaceIn Hacking Cyberspace David J. Gunkel examines the metaphors applied to new technologies, and how those metaphors inform, shape, and drive the implementation of the technology in question. The author explores the metaphorical tropes that have been employed to describe and evaluate recent advances in computer technology, telecommunications... | | Pumping Station Design, Second EditionThis comprehensive, information-rich book for pumping station design consists of twenty-nine chapters and nine appendices. ...The preface to the book's second edition vividly expresses the editor-in-chief's passion and devotion to the goal of preparing an immensely informative book on pumping station design. I believe that the editor-in-chief and... |
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