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The Primary Care Physician's Guide to Common Psychiatric and Neurologic Problems: Advice on Evaluation and Treatment from Johns Hopkins
The Primary Care Physician's Guide to Common Psychiatric and Neurologic Problems: Advice on Evaluation and Treatment from Johns Hopkins

This concise volume advises primary care physicians on how to recognize, evaluate, and treat common psychiatric and neurologic complaints in patients with medical illness. Patients with these problems used to be referred to specialists, but under the current system of health care they are increasingly being evaluated and treated by internists...

XML: eCommerce Solutions for Business and IT Managers
XML: eCommerce Solutions for Business and IT Managers

Master the very latest e-commerce solutions

XML is one of the most promising emerging technologies to hit the marketplace. XML­­Extensible Mark-Up Language­­has the potential to speed up the development of e-business integration and application efforts. Indeed, the language is so exciting that corporate...

Reliability, Maintainability and Risk
Reliability, Maintainability and Risk
This 6th edition incorporates brand new material on the accuracy of reliability prediction and common cause failure based on the author's PhD research work. David J. Smith approaches these subjects from an entirely original and unique viewpoint, emphasising that the need to demonstrate that safety-related systems have been assessed against target...
Contamination-Free Manufacturing for Semiconductors and Other Precision Products
Contamination-Free Manufacturing for Semiconductors and Other Precision Products
Provides advanced treatment and in-depth coverage of the origins, procedures, and disposal of contaminants in the manufacturing of semiconductors and other precision products. Offers solutions to inadequate areas of measurement capability and control technology, clarifying problems in the industry.

Semiconductor chip manufacturing, now a
Logistics of Facility Location and Allocation (Industrial Engineering)
Logistics of Facility Location and Allocation (Industrial Engineering)
"…enhance[s] understanding of the subject. The objective is achieved." -- The Cost Engineer

. . .a happy medium between theory and practice... ...can be for advanced undergraduate or early graduate students.
---International Logistics

. . .enhance[s] understanding of the subject. The objective
Modern Project Management : Successfully Integrating Project Management Knowledge Areas and Processes
Modern Project Management : Successfully Integrating Project Management Knowledge Areas and Processes
Combining the practical with the theoretical, this is a powerful new approach to managing complex projects.

For project managers in charge of complicated, 10-person-plus projects, one of the best ways to take control and produce predictable, repeatable results is to focus on both complex theory and practical
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Performance Optimization and Tuning Handbook
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Performance Optimization and Tuning Handbook
My last SQL Server performance book was aimed at SQL Server 6.5. When Microsoft
released SQL Server 7.0 it was almost as if it were a new product. Although it was backward
compatible in many areas with SQL Server 6.5, the architecture was very different. For
starters, the on-disk structure was completely changed. The usage of files
Satellite Communications
Satellite Communications
BEST CHOICE FOR COMPLETE, CURRENT COVERAGE Classic guide to satellite communications fundamentals Highly regarded for more than a decade as both teaching text and professional reference/tutorial, Satellite Communications has been revised, updated, and expanded to include the hottest applications in a rapidly growing field. Always the most...
Peer-to-Peer : Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies
Peer-to-Peer : Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies

The term "peer-to-peer" has come to be applied to networks that expect end users to contribute their own files, computing time, or other resources to some shared project. Even more interesting than the systems' technical underpinnings are their socially disruptive potential: in various ways they return content, choice, and...

Administering Cisco QOS for IP Networks
Administering Cisco QOS for IP Networks
Administering Cisco QoS in IP Networks discusses IP Quality of Service (QoS) and how it applies to Enterprise and Service Provider environments. It reviews routing protocols and quality of service mechanisms available today on Cisco network devices (routers, switches, etc.).This guide provides examples and...
Principles of Applied Reservoir Simulation
Principles of Applied Reservoir Simulation
Principles of Applied Reservoir Simulation and its accompanying CD offer users a fully functioning reservoir simulator. Together, the book and CD provide a hands-on introduction to the process of reservoir modeling and show how to apply reservoir simulation technology and principles.

The book begins with a reservoir engineering primer
Practical Data Communications
Practical Data Communications
With the accelerating growth in the use of computers and PCs in the workplace, the practical aspects of designing and operating data communications systems have become increasingly more complex. Practical Data Communications provides the needed background and fills in the gaps for the many who must tackle this vital technology with little basic...
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