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Effective Java Programming Language Guide
Effective Java Programming Language Guide
Are you ready for a concise book packed with insight and wisdom not found elsewhere? Do
you want to gain a deeper understanding of the Java programming language? Do you want to
write code that is clear, correct, robust, and reusable? Look no further! This book will provide
you with these and many other benefits you may not even know
Effective STL: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of the Standard Template Library
Effective STL: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of the Standard Template Library
“This is Effective C++ volume three — it’s really that good.”
— Herb Sutter, independent consultant and secretary of the ISO/ANSI C++ standards committee
“There are very few books which all C++ programmers must have. Add Effective STL...
Python Essential Reference, Second Edition
Python Essential Reference, Second Edition

Python Essential Reference, Second Edition, concisely describes the Python Programming language and its large library of standard modules, collectively known as the Python programming environment. It is arranged into four major parts. First, a brief tutorial and introduction is presented, then an informal...

The Essential Guide to Computer Data Storage: From Floppy to DVD
The Essential Guide to Computer Data Storage: From Floppy to DVD

A world without data storage is like a mankind without memory. Thanks to various information storage methods developed in the last 22,000 years, we are able to document our history, to learn from each other's experience, and, ultimately, to create the world as it is today.

The future of computing is...

An Introduction to Orthodontics (Oxford Medical Publications)
An Introduction to Orthodontics (Oxford Medical Publications)

Orthodontics is concerned with facial growth and the development of the dentition and occlusion. A solid understanding of orthodontics is an essential prerequisite to treatment planning in children and invaluable in the management of adult dentition. As a result of the speed at which clinical practice changes, a new edition of which clinical...

Sensors Applications, Volume 2
Sensors Applications, Volume 2
Taken as a whole, this series covers all major fields of application for commercial sensors, as well as their manufacturing techniques and major types. As such the series does not treat bulk sensors, but rather places strong emphasis on microsensors, microsystems and integrated electronic sensor packages. Each of the individual volumes is tailored...
Linux Networking Clearly Explained
Linux Networking Clearly Explained

"Bryan Pfaffenberger details the configuration and use of GNOME (as well as Enlightenment and KDE) in greater detail than anyother Linux book out there" David Wall of Amazon.com on Linux Clearly Explained

Bryan Pfaffenberger and Michael Jang bring their focused, step-by-step approach which made Linux

Thin Film Magnotoresistive Sensors
Thin Film Magnotoresistive Sensors
A comprehensive review of thin film magnetoresistive (MR) sensors, including the theory of magnetoresistive effects as well as the design, fabrication, properties and applications of MR sensors.

Thin film magnetoresistive sensors (MR sensors) are widely used in various applications. The most important are their applications as read
Curve Ball: Baseball, Statistics, and the Role of Chance in the Game
Curve Ball: Baseball, Statistics, and the Role of Chance in the Game
To real baseball fans, statistics are indispensable, and inextricably tied to understanding and enjoying the game. But how useful are ordinary baseball stats as tools for evaluating a player, choosing a strategy, or predicting a winner?

In this lively and thought-provoking look at the numbers and the game, Jim Albert and Jay Bennett examine...

Advanced Linux Programming
Advanced Linux Programming

Advanced Linux Programming is divided into two parts. The first covers generic UNIX system services, but with a particular eye towards Linux specific information. This portion of the book will be of use even to advanced...

Data Analysis for Database Design, Third Edition
Data Analysis for Database Design, Third Edition
Data analysis for database design is a subject of great practical value to systems analysts and designers. This classic text has been updated to include chapters on distributed database systems, query optimisation and object-orientation.The SQL content now includes features of SQL92 and SQL 99.

With new databases coming online all the
Introduction to Fiber Optics, Second Edition (IDC Technology)
Introduction to Fiber Optics, Second Edition (IDC Technology)
John Crisp's Introduction to Fiber Optics is well established as an introductory text for engineers, managers and students. It meets the needs of systems designers, installation engineers, electronic engineers and anyone else who wants to gain a working knowledge of fiber optics with a minimum of maths. Review questions are included within the text...
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