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An Introduction to Quantum Computing Algorithms
An Introduction to Quantum Computing Algorithms
In 1994 Peter Shor [65] published a factoring algorithm for a quantum computer that finds the prime factors of a composite integer N more efficiently than is possible with the known algorithms for a classical com­ puter. Since the difficulty of the factoring problem is crucial for the se­ curity of a public key encryption system,...
Scripting XML and WMI for Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Scripting XML and WMI for Microsoft SQL Server 2000
A quick-start guide to mastering all of SQL Server 2000's hot new Web development and database programming features SQL Server 2000's new XML features, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), and scripting capabilities make it easier than ever for Web developers to create and manage flexible, scalable database applications optimized for the...
Algorithms and Computation: 11th International Conference, ISAAC 2000, Taipei, Taiwan
Algorithms and Computation: 11th International Conference, ISAAC 2000, Taipei, Taiwan
The papers in this volume were selected for presentation at the Eleventh Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2000), held on 18{20 December, 2000 at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Previous meetings were held in Tokyo (1990), Taipei (1991), Nagoya (1992),...
Designing SQL Server 2000 Databases for .Net Enter
Designing SQL Server 2000 Databases for .Net Enter
As a consultant, the process of designing and developing technology-based solutions is
one that you get to know intimately, thanks to iteration. Having been involved in a dozen
or more projects in the past few years, I came to realize that a common component exists
at the center of every one of those solutions. That component is the
Java Cookbook
Java Cookbook
This book offers Java developers short, focused pieces of code that are easy to incorporate into other programs. The idea is to focus on things that are useful, tricky, or both. The book's code segments cover all of the dominant APIs and should serve as a great "jumpingoff place" for Java developers who want to get started in areas...
Learn JavaScript
Learn JavaScript
This book assumes you have absolutely no prior knowledge of JavaScript. A
basic working knowledge of HTML is preferred but not essential. The first
two chapters provide a basic introduction on HTML and JavaScript. The rest of
the book takes you step by step through the process of building an actual web
site using both HTML and
VB.net Developer's Guide
VB.net Developer's Guide
The Complete Guide to Developing Applications with VB.NET

The introduction of VB.NET has sent many Visual Basic gurus back to the drawing board! VB.NET introduces a new set of standards, protocols, and syntax that previous users of Visual Basic will need to learn to regain their guru status and be positioned to create enterprise-critical...

Hack Proofing Your Ecommerce Site
Hack Proofing Your Ecommerce Site
Hack Proofing Your E-Commerce Site was written in response to requests from readers of our first book, Hack Proofing Your Network: Internet Tradecraft. Many of you asked us for more detail on how to protect e-commerce sites, given the unique risk and exposure such...
Configuring Cisco AVVID: Architecture for Voice, Video, and Integrated Data
Configuring Cisco AVVID: Architecture for Voice, Video, and Integrated Data
AVVID (Architecture for Voice, Video, and Integrated Data) is a network architecture made up of hardware and software that transmits a company’s data such as e-mail, web traffic, file transfers, voice traffic, and video traffic over the same physical computer network. Imagine taking the three networks your...
Windows 2000 Commands Pocket Reference
Windows 2000 Commands Pocket Reference
This desktop reference documents Windows 2000 command mode. It is designed for system administrators, but will also prove beneficial to many other types of users. It includes most available Windows 2000 commands, as well as the most useful system administration command-line utilities from the Resource Kit (space permitting). Resource Kit commands...
Java Servlet Programming, 2nd Edition
Java Servlet Programming, 2nd Edition

Since I wrote the first edition of this book, servlets and the server-side Java platform have grown in popularity beyond everyone's wildest expectations. Adoption is pervasive. Web server vendors now offer servlet support as a standard feature. The Java 2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), specification has included servlets...

Solaris and LDAP Naming Services: Deploying LDAP in the Enterprise
Solaris and LDAP Naming Services: Deploying LDAP in the Enterprise
This book is one of an on-going series of books collectively known as the Sun
BluePrints™ program. The Solaris™ and LDAP Naming Services BluePrint describes
best practices for planning and deploying naming services based on the Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). The introduction of native LDAP in the Solaris
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