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Securing Windows 2000 Step by Step
Securing Windows 2000 Step by Step
This guide is the joint product of a community of Windows security managers and experts, who have voluntarily shared their experiences in this field so that others may benefit. The guide can be used to substantially improve the security of Windows 2000 computers and networks.

Just as Windows 2000 is the next evolution of Windows NT 4.0,
IBM Certification Study Guide AIX Performance and System Tuning
IBM Certification Study Guide AIX Performance and System Tuning
The AIX and RS/6000 certifications, offered through the Professional Certification Program from IBM are designed to validate the skills required of technical professionals who work in the powerful, and often complex, environments of the AIX operating system and RS/6000 and pSeries servers. A complete set of professional certifications are...
JavaServer Pages Pocket Reference
JavaServer Pages Pocket Reference
The JavaServer Pages™ (JSP) specification is built on top of
the Java™ servlet specification and is intended to provide for
better separation of the presentation (e.g., HTML markup)
and business logic (e.g., database operations) parts of web
applications. JSP is supported by all major web and application...
JavaScript Bible, Gold Edition
JavaScript Bible, Gold Edition
The JavaScript Bible, Gold Edition covers the new powerful functionality JavaScript gains with the release of the new fifth generation revisions of Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator. The book includes all the great content included in the JavaScript Bible, 4th Edition, an international bestseller, plus over 400 pages of...
Space Division Multiple Access for Wireless Local Area Networks (Engineering and Computer Science)
Space Division Multiple Access for Wireless Local Area Networks (Engineering and Computer Science)
The tendency towards more mobility and flexibility favors wireless networks for future broadband services, especially in local area and residential networks. Two major challenges in developing such high data-rate wireless networks are the channel distortion caused by multipath propagation and the limitations on bandwidth usage. In this book,...
Handbook of Herbs and Spices (Woodhead publishing in food science and technology)
Handbook of Herbs and Spices (Woodhead publishing in food science and technology)

Some of the main spice-producing areas are listed in Appendix 2 at the end of this chapter. The current annual global trade in spices is 6–7 lakh tonnes valued at US$3–3.5 billion. The value of the spice trade is particularly dependent on pepper prices as pepper remains the main spice in international trade. The global spice trade...

The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography (Classics in Applied Mathematics)
The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography (Classics in Applied Mathematics)

By computerized tomography (CT) we mean the reconstruction of a function from its line or plane integrals, irrespective of the field where this technique is applied. In the early 1970s CT was introduced in diagnostic radiology and since then, many other applications of CT have become known, some of them preceding the application in radiology...

Engineering Electromagnetics - Ise
Engineering Electromagnetics - Ise

"Engineering Electromagnetics" is a "classic" in Electrical Engineering textbook publishing. First published in 1958, it quickly became a standard and has been a best-selling book for over 4 decades. A new co-author from Georgia Tech has come aboard for the sixth edition to help update the book. Designed for introductory...

Introduction to Digital Video, Second Edition
Introduction to Digital Video, Second Edition
Covers the essential fundamentals of digital video: from video principles, to conversion, compression, coding, interfaces and output.

Written for television professionals needing to apply digital video systems, equipment and techniques to multimedia and /or digital TV applications, as well as for computer system designers, engineers,
Hydraulic Structures
Hydraulic Structures
The main aim of the book, i.e. to provide a text for final year undergraduate and for postgraduate students, remains the same as for the previous two editions; we also hope that researchers, designers and operators of the many types of structures covered in the book will continue to find the text of interest and a stimulating, up-to-date reference...
MCSE Training Guide (70-227): Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2000
MCSE Training Guide (70-227): Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2000

This book is based on the objectives of Microsoft MCSE Exam 70-227, which is already in development at Microsoft as part of the MCSE 2000 curriculum.

It covers all relevant exam material. This will not just prepare individuals to answer questions on an exam, but will help the individual understand the product and learn to work with it....

Automated Web Testing Toolkit: Expert Methods for Testing and Managing Web Applications
Automated Web Testing Toolkit: Expert Methods for Testing and Managing Web Applications

All the tools, templates, and techniques you need to execute a testing plan on different platforms and servers

Automated Web Testing Toolkit

Due to deadline constraints and rapidly evolving technologies, Web testing is often an overlooked aspect of development. Companies risk losing hundreds of...

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