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Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process (2nd Edition)
Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process (2nd Edition)
“People often ask me which is the best book to introduce them to the world of OO design. Ever since I came across it, ‘Applying UML and Patterns’ has been my unreserved choice.” —Martin Fowler, author, “UML Distilled” and “Refactoring”

The first edition of “Applying UML and Patterns:...

Programming Microsoft   Windows  CE, Second Edition (Pro-Developer )
Programming Microsoft Windows CE, Second Edition (Pro-Developer )
I've been working with Windows CE for almost as long as it's been in existence. A Windows programmer for many years, I'm amazed by the number of different, typically quite small, systems to which I can apply my Windows programming experience. These Windows CE systems run the gamut from PC-like mini-laptops to embedded devices buried deep in some...
Enabling eBusiness - Integrating Technologies Architectures & Applications
Enabling eBusiness - Integrating Technologies Architectures & Applications
This book describes the technical architecture and components that can be integrated in order to provide a comprehensive and robust infrastructure on which to build successful e-Business. It is essential reading for technical and functional team leaders and strategists, who analyse the options, limitations and possibilities for new technology and...
Data Broadcasting: Merging Digital Broadcasting with the Internet, Revised Edition
Data Broadcasting: Merging Digital Broadcasting with the Internet, Revised Edition

An updated and revised edition of Data Broadcasting: The Technology and the Business, c1999. Features new sections on wireless communications, and explains how data broadcasting can solve traffic problems on the Internet. For executives and developers in the telecommunications, software, hardware and media industries. Softcover.

Nanoscale Materials in Chemistry
Nanoscale Materials in Chemistry
Nanotechnology is almost a household word now-a-days, or at least some word with ‘‘nano’’ in it, such as nanoscale, nanoparticle, nanophase, nanocrystal, or nanomachine. This field now enjoys worldwide attention and a National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) is about to be launched.

Excel 2002 Power Programming with VBA
Excel 2002 Power Programming with VBA
Excel 2002 Power Programming with VBA Develop Powerful, User-Oriented Excel 2002 Applications With this unique guide, renowned spreadsheet authority John Walkenbach invites you to harness the full potential of Excel—and join the elite group of users and developers who truly understand what the product is capable of. Offering plenty of...
Path Integrals in Physics Volume 2: Quantum Field Theory, Statistical Physics & Other Modern Applications
Path Integrals in Physics Volume 2: Quantum Field Theory, Statistical Physics & Other Modern Applications
This book covers the fundamentals of path integrals, both the Wiener and Feynman types, and their many applications in physics. It deals with systems that have an infinite number of degrees of freedom. The book discusses the general physical background and concepts of the path integral approach used, followed by the most typical and important...
Path Integrals in Physics Volume 1: Stochastic Process & Quantum Mechanics
Path Integrals in Physics Volume 1: Stochastic Process & Quantum Mechanics
The importance of path-integral methods in theoretical physics can hardly be disputed. Their applications in most branches of modern physics have proved to be extremely fruitful not only for solving already existing problems but also as a guide for the formulation and development of essentially new ideas and approaches in the description of...
Learning Perl, Third Edition
Learning Perl, Third Edition
If you ask Perl programmers today what book they relied on most when they were learning Perl, you'll find that an overwhelming majority will name Learning Perl--also known affectionately as "the Llama." The first edition of Learning Perl appeared in 1993 and has been a bestseller ever since. Written by two of the most...
Microsoft Access 2002 Bible BK+CD
Microsoft Access 2002 Bible BK+CD
"The Best book out there … I used this book so much I wore out the binding."—Don Dimon, MCSE, MCP+I, Senior Programmer/Analyst If Access 2002 can do it, you can do it too … Client lists. Sales figures. Product inventories. In today's networked, Internet-everywhere world, you need to get a grip on your data — and...
LPIC 1 Certification Bible
LPIC 1 Certification Bible
Every other teenager and tens of thousands of university students have installed Linux and configured it for this job or that. That doesn't mean they're qualified to run Linux servers for a company that relies on them, regardless of what they may claim on their résumés. Your claim to real professional Linux competence will be...
Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 Bible
Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 Bible
From the author of the bestselling Dreamweaver Bible comes an indispensable insider's guide to the hot new software for interactive database-driven Web pages - the completely revamped Macromedia version of Drumbeat, built with Dreamweaver at its core, that lets Web designers output Active Server Pages, Java Server Pages, or Coldfusion pages. The...
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