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Perl Developer's Dictionary (Developer's Library)
Perl Developer's Dictionary (Developer's Library)
Perl Developer's Dictionary is a complete, well-organized reference to the Perl language and environment, including core syntax as well as Perl modules. Designed specifically for the experienced developer who needs a reference readily available on his or her desk to refer to on a daily basis, the book is extensively cross-referenced and indexed for...
Server+ Certification Bible
Server+ Certification Bible
The only guide you need for Server+ exam success … You're holding in your hands the most comprehensive and effective guide available for the CompTIA Server+ exam. Trevor Kay delivers incisive, crystal-clear explanations of every Server+ topic, highlighting exam-critical concepts and offering hands-on tips that can help you in your real-world...
Oracle Internals: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for DBAs
Oracle Internals: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for DBAs

If you are a typical Oracle professional, you don't have the luxury of time to keep up with new technology and read all the new manuals to understand each new feature of each release of Oracle. You need a comprehensive source of information and techniques for using the new technology. You need Oracle Internals: Tips, Tricks, and...

Modeling a Character in 3DS Max
Modeling a Character in 3DS Max
Provides groundbreaking coverage in using 3D Studio Max for would-be computer game modelers and animators, as well as professionals already experienced with the software. Also features previously undocumented tips and tricks targeted specifically for advanced character creation.

Like most of my peers in the computer game industry,
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Computer Basics (2nd Edition)
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Computer Basics (2nd Edition)
The Complete Idiot's GuideA (R) to Computer Basics, Second Edition will build from the previous edition on teaching PC users the kind of computer capabilities that can enrich their lives and make their PC system one of their most beneficial tools in the home or office. Even more than The Complete Idiot's GuideA (R) to PCs, this a 'how to book' that...
Visual Basic for Testers
Visual Basic for Testers

The goal of Visual Basic for Testers is to teach you how to use Visual Basic to increase your level of sophistication as a tester. You'll learn how to use VB to write an automated testing project and what to look for in a well-written VB program. Author Mary Sweeney will help you gain the experience necessary both...

Pocket PC Database Development with eMbedded Visual Basic
Pocket PC Database Development with eMbedded Visual Basic

The Pocket PC is the fastest growing platform for building handheld-based enterprise applications. Free from the memory limitations and underpowered processors of other handheld platforms, Pocket Access and eMbedded Visual Basic are providing the Pocket PC with the same one-two punch that Microsoft Access and Visual Basic gave Windows...

Neuroplasticity, Development, and Steroid Hormone Action
Neuroplasticity, Development, and Steroid Hormone Action

Neuroplasticity, Development, and Steroid Hormone Action explores the effects of steroid hormones on brain development, function, and aging and is a compilation of cutting-edge research of concern to the disciplines of neurobiology, neuroendocrinology, endocrinology, and developmental biology. The experimental approaches covered range from...

Delphi Developer's Guide to XML (Wordware Delphi Developer's Library)
Delphi Developer's Guide to XML (Wordware Delphi Developer's Library)
This XML guide explains how to apply the power and flexibility of Delphi to XML, and provides a solid introduction to the technologies that make up XML and its related specifications.

An intermediate to advanced level guide for the Delphi developer. Covers all aspects of using XML in the Delphi environment. The
Low-Power Design Techniques and CAD Tools for Analog and RF Integrated Circuits
Low-Power Design Techniques and CAD Tools for Analog and RF Integrated Circuits
Modern System-on-Chip designs are increasingly mixed-signal designs that require efficient systematic design methodologies and supporting computer-aided design (CAD) tools to manage the design complexity in the available design time, that is ever decreasing due to tightening time-to-market constraints. The purpose of Low-Power Design...
Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ
Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ

If you're a Java programmer working in an Oracle environment, you're probably familiar with JDBC as a means of accessing data within an Oracle database. SQLJ takes you further, allowing you to access a database using embedded SQL statements. Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ shows you how to get the most out of SQLJ.

Server Load Balancing
Server Load Balancing
This book is meant to be a resource for anyone involved in the design, production, overseeing, or troubleshooting of a site that employs server load balancing (SLB). Managers and other high-level people can use this book to improve their understanding of the overall technology. Engineers and site architects can use this book to give insight into...
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