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Teach Yourself Algebra for Electronic Circuits
Teach Yourself Algebra for Electronic Circuits

The way to go for problem-solving skills and applications, TEACH YOURSELF ALGEBRA FOR ELECTRIC CIRCUITS is the self-tutoring guide that's just right for electronics.

* Math that goes beyond elementary algebra, without the burden of heavy-duty calculus you don't need
* All the tools for solving any problem in a single place--no

Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)

Whether you're a programmer developing new animation functionality or an animator trying to get the most out of your current animation software, Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques will help work more efficiently and achieve better results. For programmers, this book provides a solid theoretical orientation and extensive...

Broadband Crash Course
Broadband Crash Course


With savvy from both the technical and business sides of telecom, and a knack for writing in "plainspeak", expert...

A Practical Guide to Planning for E-Business Success:  How to E-enable Your Enterprise
A Practical Guide to Planning for E-Business Success: How to E-enable Your Enterprise
The Internet has had, and will continue to have, a major impact on our lives and businesses. It changes everything. The Internet provides a means to transform entire industries, create new industries, challenge industry leaders, and enable business in entirely new ways. Companies use the Internet to expand their markets, increase revenue,...
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Practice
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Practice

Computational Fluid Dynamics in Practice explores the current and future developments in CFD, with the authors detailing advanced applications and case studies to demonstrate successes, illustrate the limitations, and identify methods for good practice. Designers, engineers, and researchers working in this field of fluid mechanics will...

Color Atlas of Nerve Biopsy Pathology
Color Atlas of Nerve Biopsy Pathology

As a professional working in the frontlines of tissue diagnosis and in everyday practice, you need a reference that gives you practical information in an easy-to-use format. Containing over 300 photographs, micrographs, and line drawings, including over 60 color illustrations, Color Atlas of Nerve Biopsy Pathology supplies a clear picture of...

Pancreatic Cancer (MD Anderson Solid Tumor Oncology Series)
Pancreatic Cancer (MD Anderson Solid Tumor Oncology Series)

The MD Anderson Solid Tumor Oncology series presents cutting-edge surgical treatment and medical therapy for specific sites. This volume, Pancreatic Cancer, addresses epidemiology and molecular biology, inherited syndromes, staging, surgical techniques, multimodality therapy, and emerging therapies. The individual chapters focus on narrow,...

Oracle and Java Development (Sams White Book)
Oracle and Java Development (Sams White Book)
Outlines Key Oracle Java technologies; Enterprise Java Beans, Business Components, Java Server Pages, and Servlets for developing and deploying applications using Oracle 8i. Describes database interaction with Java using Java stored procedures, JDBC, and SQLJ. Softcover.

* Describes Oracle's Internet Computing Platform for
The Scanning Workshop
The Scanning Workshop
The other day, I was talking to someone about this book, and he asked me, “Why are scanners so cheap? Is there some sort of catch?” (He’s my accountant, so he’s paid to ask skeptical questions about money.) The answer is no, there is no catch. Heck, with some scanner models, you don’t even need a computer! Desktop...
Advanced Thermodynamics Engineering (Computational Mechanics and Applied Analysis Series)
Advanced Thermodynamics Engineering (Computational Mechanics and Applied Analysis Series)

We have written this text for engineers who wish to grasp the engineering physics of thermodynamic concepts and apply the knowledge in their field of interest rather than merely digest the abstract generalized concepts and mathematical relations governing thermodynamics. While the fundamental concepts in any discipline are relatively...

Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems (IFIP International Federation for Information Processing)
Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems (IFIP International Federation for Information Processing)
This book presents the latest worldwide results in theory and practice of formal techniques for networked and distributed systems. The theme of the book is addressed by specialized papers in the following areas:
  • Formal Methods in Software Development,
  • Process Algebra,
  • Timed Automata,
  • ...
Communication Systems Engineering (2nd Edition)
Communication Systems Engineering (2nd Edition)
The objective of this book is to provide an introduction to the basic principles in the analysis and design of communication systems. It is primarily intended for use as a text for a first course in communications, either at a senior level or at a first-year graduate level.

Thorough coverage of basic digital communication...

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