Java and XSLT (O'Reilly Java)Java and Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) are very different technologies that complement one another, rather than compete. Java's strengths are portability, its vast collection of standard libraries, and widespread acceptance by most companies. One weakness of Java, however, is in its ability to process text.... | | Financing College: How Much You'll Really Have to Pay and How to Get the MoneyThink the college your child wants to attend is out of your reach? Think again! Here's the help you need to figure out how to afford college, not just pay for it! "Davis's book provides solid financial planning advice with insider tips on lowering college costs. The book tackles both long term college planning (serving as an excellent... | | Introduction to Algorithms, Second EditionThe book moves forward with more advanced algorithms that implement strategies for solving more complicated problems (including dynamic programming techniques, greedy algorithms, and amortized analysis). Algorithms for graphing problems (used in such real-world business problems as optimizing flight schedules or flow through pipelines) come next.... |
The Hiring and Firing: Question and Answer BookFalcone (96 Great Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire), director of employment and development at Paramount Pictures, offers a comprehensive look at virtually all hiring issues, including application and termination procedures, evaluation, recommendation and lawsuits. This objective q&a-style guide offers step-by-step directions for... | | XML Weekend Crash Course (with CD-ROM)XML Weekend Crash Course covers the ins and outs of XML in 30 sessions. Each session is designed to take 30 minutes to complete, so the Crash Course is an intense 15-hour learning period. You can complete the Crash Course over a single weekend -- but you can also easily adapt the Crash Course sessions to whatever schedule best suits your... | | Foundation PHP for FlashWritten for the Flash developer who wants to do more, Steve Webster's PHP for Flash shows how to combine simple server-side scripts with Flash to create smarter, more versatile Web applications. With a truly engaging writing style and a sharp visual sense, this title will let any working Flash programmer make the transition to simple... |
Accessing and Browsing Information and CommunicationThis book contends that accessing and browsing information and communication are multidimensional and consequential aspects of the information user’s entire experience and of general human behavior. Problems in information creation, processing, transmittal, and use often arise from an incomplete conceptualization of the "information... | | Usability Testing for Library Websites: A Hands-On GuidePeople acquire information from many sources other than libraries. For example, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and Amazon .com sell and distribute books, videos, and CDs and compete for the time and attention of our library’s customers. Barnes & Noble also provides children’s programming and Internet-related classes for families.... | | Murach's Beginning Java 2An exciting, new approach to Java instruction that includes the latest Java releases (1.3.1 and 1.4). In just 20 chapters, you grow from beginner to entry-level professional. Along the way, you learn how to develop GUIs with Swing components; how to work with files; how to use JDBC to work with databases; how to develop applets that are run from... |
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