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Wireless Data for the Enterprise
Wireless Data for the Enterprise

Everything you should know about "going wireless"

A valuable reality check for the many claims about wireless, Wireless Data For The Enterprise sorts out myth from fact, truth from exaggeration. This guide by George Faigen, Boris Fridman, and Arielle Emmett shows you how your enterprise can extend its...

E=mc2: A Biography of the World's Most Famous Equation
E=mc2: A Biography of the World's Most Famous Equation

Already climbing the bestseller lists-and garnering rave reviews-this "little masterpiece"* sheds brilliant light on the equation that changed the world.

"This is not a physics book. It is a history of where the equation [E=mc2] came from and how it has changed the world. After a short chapter on the

CCA Citrix MetaFrame XP for Windows Administrator Study Guide (Exam 70-220)
CCA Citrix MetaFrame XP for Windows Administrator Study Guide (Exam 70-220)

The Only Certification Study System Based on 200,000+ Hours of IT Training Experience

  • 100% Complete Coverage--All official test objectives for CCA exam 220 are covered in detail
  • Hands-on Exercises--Step-by-step instruction modeled after classroom labs
  • Exam Watch--Warnings based on thorough...
MATLAB Primer, Sixth Edition
MATLAB Primer, Sixth Edition
This fifth edition extends the MATLAB Primer, representing the significant features introduced in MATLAB 5 and reflecting a dramatic change in the text . This pocket book serves as an excellent resource for students and engineers requiring a high-level introduction and handy reference to MATLAB 5, helping readers to learn efficiently and...
Java Rules
Java Rules
Detailed yet accessible, Java™ Rules is a comprehensive reference for the application programmer who needs to master the intricacies of the Java™ programming language. Thoroughly describing the core of the Java programming language and the Java™ virtual machine (JVM™), Java™ Rules makes it...
Discrete Mathematics (4th Edition)
Discrete Mathematics (4th Edition)

Today an increasing proportion of the applications of mathematics involves discrete rather than continuous models. The main reason for this trend is the integration of the computer into more and more of modem society. This book is intended for a one-semester introductory course in discrete mathematics.

Prerequisites Even though a...

Linux Routing
Linux Routing

Linux Routing is a tutorial-reference written for experienced Linux users and administrators, as well as general network administrators, who want to set up a router instead of using the simple gateways Linux provides. This book gives you a solid grounding in the routing protocols and tools...

Zope Web Application Construction Kit
Zope Web Application Construction Kit

Zope is one of the leading open-source Web application servers and content management systems. Designed specifically to publish dynamic content, it is a Web-based publishing system built around a 100% object framework for rapidly deploying enterprise-class content management solutions.

The Sane Society (Routledge Classics)
The Sane Society (Routledge Classics)

Following the publication of the seminal Fear of Freedom, Erich Fromm applied his unique vision to a critique of contemporary capitalism in The Sane Society. Where the former dealt with man's historic inability to come to terms with his sense of isolation, and the dangers to which this can lead, The Sane Society...

FreeBSD Unleashed (With CD-ROM)
FreeBSD Unleashed (With CD-ROM)
Did you know that the special effects used in The Matrix were rendered using the FreeBSD system? Yahoo and the Internet Movie Database are also powered by FreeBSD. Now you can learn how to use FreeBSD to its full potential as well! FreeBSD Unleashed is a complete reference guide for FreeBSD administrators, developers, webmasters...
Psychology of Language: From Data to Theory
Psychology of Language: From Data to Theory
'In my opinion this book is a gem. It is more up to date, covers a wider range of material [than the competition] and is excellently written... a comprehensive review of this complex field, it's a certain choice for undergraduate students. It also points the more advanced student towards a radical new agenda for psycholinguistics, in which...
Fungal Pathogenesis: Principles and Clinical Applications (Mycology)
Fungal Pathogenesis: Principles and Clinical Applications (Mycology)

Stresses molecular and biochemical studies of opportunistic and frank fungal pathogens!

This book gives a comprehensive overview of human pathogenic fungi that offers a current and concise survey of virulence factors, host responses and recognition, treatment and diagnosis of infections, invasive enzymes, intracellular

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