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The Unified Process Transition and Production Phases : Best Practices in Implementing the UP
The Unified Process Transition and Production Phases : Best Practices in Implementing the UP
Is the Unified Process the be all and end all standard for developing object-oriented component-based software? This book is the final in a four volume series that presents a critical review of the Unified Process. The authors present a survey of the alte

This book, the last in a four-volume series, offers a critical review of the UP and
The E-Privacy Imperative : Protect Your Customers' Internet Privacy and Ensure Your Company's Survival in the Electronic Age
The E-Privacy Imperative : Protect Your Customers' Internet Privacy and Ensure Your Company's Survival in the Electronic Age
With their potential for vicious customer backlash and devastating sales drops, Internet privacy infractions--such as selling e-mail lists and personal data or operating an insecure site where credit-card or competitive-pricing information can be stolen--have become deadly serious business concerns.

The E-Privacy Imperative is...

Financial Structure and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Comparison of Banks, Markets, and Development
Financial Structure and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Comparison of Banks, Markets, and Development
This is the first broad cross-country assessment of the ties between financial structure -- the mix of financial instruments, institutions, and markets in a given economy -- and economic growth since Raymond Goldsmith's 1969 landmark study. Most studies focus on developed countries and compare bank-based and market-based systems. Debates over the...
Model Engineering in Mixed-Signal Circuit Design: A Guide to Generating Accurate Behavioral Models in VHDL-AMS
Model Engineering in Mixed-Signal Circuit Design: A Guide to Generating Accurate Behavioral Models in VHDL-AMS
The purpose of Model Engineering in Mixed-Signal Circuit Design is - for the first time - to combine the main issues of the hardware description language VHDL-AMS aimed at model representation of mixed-signal circuits and systems, of characterization methods and tools for the extraction of model parameters, and of modeling...
Creating Dynamic Presentations with Streaming Media (With CD-ROM)
Creating Dynamic Presentations with Streaming Media (With CD-ROM)

This book will show you how to create dynamic and compelling presentations using Microsoft Producer for PowerPoint 2002. Producer lets you take Microsoft PowerPoint-based presentations to a more persuasive level by synchronizing your PowerPoint slides with video and audio to create dynamic rich-media presentations. The video and audio you use...

Sair Linux and Gnu Certification: Level II Apache and Web Servers (Sair Linux)
Sair Linux and Gnu Certification: Level II Apache and Web Servers (Sair Linux)
Managing and troubleshooting Web servers is an integral part of every IT professional′s job. Apache is an open source Web server that has captured 63% of the more than 18 million Web servers currently in place. This guide provides the in–depth information, skills, and techniques needed to effectively maintain an Apache Web server. ...
High Performance Data Network Design (IDC Technology)
High Performance Data Network Design (IDC Technology)
The proliferation and complexity of data networks today is challenging our ability to design and manage them effectively. A new generation of Internet, e-commerce, and multimedia applications has changed traditional assumptions on traffic dynamics, and demands tight quality of service and security guarantees. These issues, combined with the...
Professional Architectural Photography, Third Edition (Professional Photography Series)
Professional Architectural Photography, Third Edition (Professional Photography Series)
This is a must-have guide both for aspiring students and for established professionals who need to keep up to speed with the current impact of recent digital developments.

In this highly visual, full colour text Michael Harris shares his professional secrets and demonstrates how to achieve top quality architectural images. Brief
Quantum Invariants: A Study of Knot, 3-Manifolds, and Their Sets
Quantum Invariants: A Study of Knot, 3-Manifolds, and Their Sets
Ohtsuk's book is very readable, for he makes an attempt to present the material as straightforward as possible. -- Mathematical Reviews, 2003

This is a nicely written and useful book....presenting a lot of material ordered by a clear guiding line. -- Mathematics Abstracts, 2002

This book provides
Numerical Quantum Dynamics (Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics)
Numerical Quantum Dynamics (Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics)
This book describes computational methods used in quantum dynamics with emphasis on small quantum systems. Computational physics is a fundamental physical discipline at the forefront of physical research. Thus it is an indisputable fact that computational physics form part of the essential landscape of physical science and education. In the...
Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution
Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution

Weight loss, weight maintenance, good health and disease prevention through the Atkins nutritional approach.

Dr. Atkins' original Diet Revolution helped millions lose weight and maintain their weight loss for life. His sensational follow-up, Dr Atkins' New Diet Revolution, concentrated on total wellness in addition to...

HIV & AIDS in Schools: The Political Economy of Pressure Groups & Miseducation (Occasional Paper, 121)
HIV & AIDS in Schools: The Political Economy of Pressure Groups & Miseducation (Occasional Paper, 121)

HIV and Aids teaching is compulsory in British schools but the content is not prescribed. Should teaching in such a difficult field, where there are disputes among experts, be left to secondary school teachers with no specialist knowledge? And is it right that the subject should be compulsory? These awkward issues are confronted in this...

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